
Enlightenment Poems

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Nothing's known

Only felt

Seen or heard

Tasted, smelled


Near or far

Moving or still

Reflected in light

Hidden until


Observe what is

Silence allow

It's simply here

It's simply now


None is known

All is loved

Timeless voice

Being gloved


Mind is lost

Senses arise

This is peace

In paradise


By Natasha <3

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Life is a blessing
Knowledge is a weapon
You should choose love instead of being reckless
Candle in the darkness, hope changes the heartless
Here's love to guide you, I'll be there regardless
Situation global, we're like in a rowboat
Swimming up the river, so I can deliver
Messages to masses, no matter your status
Nothing's ever over, we believe in second chances
Many people dying, governments are lying
Stand for our rights and please no more violence
Talk with the kindness, together we're united
When we are one
Nothing can divide us


--Black eyed peas - not poem, but can be.

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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Return To Innocence by Kavi Jezzie Hockaday


Stay true to what is deep in your heart

Don’t keep moving away

Into minds righteousness

Listen and follow love’s wisdom

And then allow mind

To serve that wisdom

We have lost our hidden powers

And our deepest intuition

And without them we are adrift

Lost in the chaos and confusion

Of mind’s relentless pursuits


Come back to what is deep in your heart

Serve that tenderness

With humility and grace

Fall into the unknown

And listen to your innocence

It is still there, hidden and vulnerable

But still there

Waiting for your return

Return, friend, return

Again and again return

Until mind falls into its right place

As servant of love

Not master.

Life Purpose journey

Presence. Goodness. Grace. Love.

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On 22/10/2020 at 8:56 PM, Natasha said:

@Dodo Nice :x


21 minutes ago, Loving Radiance said:

Return To Innocence by Kavi Jezzie Hockaday


Stay true to what is deep in your heart

Don’t keep moving away

Into minds righteousness

Listen and follow love’s wisdom

And then allow mind

To serve that wisdom

We have lost our hidden powers

And our deepest intuition

And without them we are adrift

Lost in the chaos and confusion

Of mind’s relentless pursuits


Come back to what is deep in your heart

Serve that tenderness

With humility and grace

Fall into the unknown

And listen to your innocence

It is still there, hidden and vulnerable

But still there

Waiting for your return

Return, friend, return

Again and again return

Until mind falls into its right place

As servant of love

Not master.


I love you

and I love you


Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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Anchored in spaceless

Grounded in timeless

Moving in stillness

Abiding in silence


Serene and peaceful

Embodiment of 'this'

Governed by Love

Beauty and bliss


Flow from the Source

Streams of healing

Here and now

Is infinite Being


Recognize, aside fear

Not knowing is a blessing

Surrender to the heart

No need for guessing


Nowhere else to go

No one ever to be

You're welcomed Home

Here you're free


By Natasha <3

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BEING is presence

Feeling the moment

Flowing in freedom

Vessel of Love

BEING is beauty

Breath of the unknown

Seamless it's fabric 

Beneath and above


BEING is peaceful 

Joyful, creative

Timeless, unbound

Here and now

Wondrously open

Beaming aliveness

Senses so vibrant

Feelings allow


Hidden in plain sight

Welcoming always

Seen through the veil

Of the mind so futile

Shifting awareness

Waking reality

Soaking in ISness

Bewildered and still


BEING is magic

And the Magician

Questions and guesses

Fall by the wayside

Embodied in silence

Divine it's expression

BEING is being

It's own Truth and Light


By Natasha <3

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Love this one by Rumi

Gone to the Unseen

At last you have departed and gone to the Unseen.
What marvelous route did you take from this world?

Beating your wings and feathers,
you broke free from this cage.
Rising up to the sky
you attained the world of the soul.
You were a prized falcon trapped by an Old Woman.
Then you heard the drummer’s call
and flew beyond space and time.

As a lovesick nightingale, you flew among the owls.
Then came the scent of the rosegarden
and you flew off to meet the Rose.

The wine of this fleeting world
caused your head to ache.
Finally you joined the tavern of Eternity.
Like an arrow, you sped from the bow
and went straight for the bull’s eye of bliss.

This phantom world gave you false signs
But you turned from the illusion
and journeyed to the land of truth.

You are now the Sun –
what need have you for a crown?
You have vanished from this world –
what need have you to tie your robe?

I’ve heard that you can barely see your soul.
But why look at all? –
yours is now the Soul of Souls!

O heart, what a wonderful bird you are.
Seeking divine heights,
Flapping your wings,
you smashed the pointed spears of your enemy.

The flowers flee from Autumn, but not you –
You are the fearless rose
that grows amidst the freezing wind.

Pouring down like the rain of heaven
you fell upon the rooftop of this world.
Then you ran in every direction
and escaped through the drain spout . . .

Now the words are over
and the pain they bring is gone.
Now you have gone to rest
in the arms of the Beloved.

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This form you call the body

This mind you think is you

Reflection in the mirror

Sure it's all true?


The story plots a hero

A center and a core

Attached to life's pleasures

Anticipating more


So quickly lost in doing

Conceptually veiled

Knowledge over awareness

Bowed down to and hailed


Forgotten in distraction

Yet often sorely craved

Presence whispers subtly

I'm here to be and stay


But noise of many voices

Persisting to survive

Dimming Conscienceness

By fear, wants, and lies


The hologram is struggling

With meaning to exist

Questions and delusions

Continue to persist


Liberation is nearing

It time and space defies

Breaking down ego's walls

Onward to paradise


Peaceful and unchanging

Eternal resting place

Unfolding in full beauty

To welcome and amaze


You're the divine expression

Perfect and alive

The body-mind will perish

Being'll never die


By Natasha <3

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It is simple, it is pure

Awareness is the cure


Where is it? you inquire

How to get it? you aspire


Seeking ends now and here

Drink from Love, not from fear


Presence feel, join in calm

Story comes and story's gone


Labels out, so are wants

Empty slate of pesky thoughts


Let no-mind simply be

Soon reality you'll see


By Natasha <3

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Never-ending love

We’ve been doing this
for eternity...

Loving ourselves




The gentle pain
of existence
Softly caresses
the echoes of your heart

And when you feel tired
It turns and hugs
As the shiver on your skin
Giving you a kiss

The curse of that endlessness
An infinite desire from separateness
Taking a lifetime of beingness
To give you the love from wholeness

I sometimes feel
All of my life in one
single undivided moment
All the emotions
All the beauty
All the love
All the pain
At once...


Sacred tree

Sacred tree
Sitting alone
In a dream

Its arms folding
Onto the beams of light
The dream is asleep

It speaks a thousand tongues
In and out of its being
Through the blood it drank

In this realm of beauty
Being a part of grace
It seeps into you and me
Fueling the voices of our pain

The sacred tree speaks...
It was once nothing
Through the endless being
It became something

Nonduality, duality
Existence and essence
All are moving and being
Living and dying
Loving and hating

Without time


The gift

The gift
Of existence
Something we granted ourselves

It is through eternity
That we see the bliss in mortality
It is through difficulties
That we can love without pain
It is from the words that we sang
That we hear the truth speak
In silence
We see the lives of infinite beings
Through the cycles of love and pain

And being aware of here
We felt the love from that sacred place
Speaking, without a word

Being, love.



The bell rings at the wake of dawn
Singing the echo of that holy song
Where in this moment we shall sit
And await the presence of next gong

The wind is howling about a secret
Of the magical beauty in the now
As it flew, it kissed my skin
And took away all my wrongs

The drum beating in my chest
Speaking the words of divine love
Where no mind nor thoughts,
Can disturb this song

I am...

Nothing more

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Distraction disguises as form

Knowledge, noise, happening

It seems solid by appearance

Yet fleeting and meaning lacking


The mind-created reality

Lights out, the screen goes clear

Love, peace, and liberation

Has always been now and here


We think and feel and know

We try to get somewhere, clinging 

Distraction creeps up on sneakingly

Pulling away from Being


Nothing deserves this suffering

Take a moment and a deep breath

Stay playful, light, present

Put the conceptual thinker at rest


As the Timeless reveals itself

The illusion of much frustration

Is gone in a single flash

Such is the nature of distraction


Bask in the unknown and just be

No need for fear or worry

Live the dream with awareness

Experiencing and exploring


Love kindly, give gratitude

Be the healing, the meditation

This living pure and simple

Is untouchable by distraction


By Natasha <3



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Existing and seemingly here

The illusion of a someone

Life-dream ever so brief

Walked soon to be let go of 


Events remembered vaguely

By those left affected

The self, the role, the person

In memories only reflected


Who's behind the unseen veil

Of this mysterious reality

We but a shadow surviving

Craving to end this battle


Knowing nothing, yet wishing

To appear oh so significant

Ambitions getting nowhere

Distracting from peace, being


Cease the moment and awake

Life is not void of essence

Seasons change, learned are

An abundance of lessons


The wise will understand

Love is only really what matters

Put down all fear and strife

Do kind and good onto others


At the end of the day is Truth

Blatant, pure, no pretender

Can run or hide from What Is

But to face, accept, and surrender


By Natasha <3

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When you look at the sky

What do you see?

What you've been told

Or something unknown


When a step's taken

Who is walking?

Someone you think is

Or aliveness, presence


When life is happening

Are you ever alone?

What about that's seen

The unseen, the all


When you laugh or cry

Who is there to feel?

These sensations so raw 

To manifest and reveal


When you speak reality

What language is used?

One you were taught

Or one heard in silence


When you bask in Being

What is more there?

Than just simply what is 

With no worry or care


When resting in sleep

What is awoke?

Pumping and breathing

And ever at work


When you take the beauty

Of the Universe in

Who's creating in mystery

Behind the mind's scene


When you look at yourself

What do you hope?

The entire ocean is there

But in a single drop


By Natasha <3


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I have suffered for eternity
To see myself more clearly
To remember what I am
And love, unconditionally

I am all of it
That great empty void of love
Existing beyond time and space
Where words can not phrase
And voice can not reach

I am...
The never-changing truth
I shall remember that
Whenever I’m lost

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