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Forrest Adkins

Is water memory real?

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I have seen Sadhguru talk about this in various videos and even claim that science has "proven" it.

Ive digged into this topic multiple times and all I can ever find is this that this was a claim made by various scientists (Masaru Emoto, Jacques Benveniste,...) almost 4 decades ago. Surprisingly this was taken serious by scientists back then and numerous experiments and peer reviews have been done and none of these experiments could ever be verified. Even today there are a lot of water products being sold that are based water memory theory, these got tested numerous times and no study was able to verify any difference.

So I understand if the scientific community considers this "done with" but where do these claims then come from to this day? is it just indian culture dogma?

Edited by Forrest Adkins

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not sure how you define water memory but I will share the energy perspective 

did you research anything to do with crystals?

let’s say everything is made out of energy including us (energy being) and all is interconnected, then even water is influenced by our attention/love/frequency 


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Science never really is able to replicate these kind of results, and from what I understand Emoto was always very evasive and avoided in conducting his experiments in proper controlled scientific conditions. Generally speaking, the "water memory" stuff Emoto etc talk about is regarded as bunk pseudoscience, there is probably not a real, physical phenomenon here.


Intention has a lot of effect, not in these kind of direct physically observable ways, but in more of a meta-way. Psychologically, sociologically, spiritually. So I feel there is a more important truth here, that guys like Emoto aren't literally correct, but what they're talking about points to a more important higher truth. Kind of like how a lot of Chistians believe god is a bearded man living in a nebula somewhere - no that's probably not literally true, but it might point a lot of them to a higher truth and the details don't matter so much.

Cargo cult


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If crystals can hold memory, I see no reason why water couldn't.  Well... unless it just can't. 

Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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Common knowledge. Drink a cup of water, taste it, feel it, observe. Then fill another cup with the same water and do some chanting/praying loving thoughts/intentions within the water for about 5 minutes. Feel what you say, love the water for being water, for being part of you, part of life, part of all that is, know that you are one and the same. You can also stir with a wooden spoon while doing this to enliven the water further.

Then follow the same procedure as the first cup, drink slowly, taste, feel and observe. You should notice quite a difference.


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22 minutes ago, pluto said:

Common knowledge. Drink a cup of water, taste it, feel it, observe. Then fill another cup with the same water and do some chanting/praying loving thoughts/intentions within the water for about 5 minutes. Feel what you say, love the water for being water, for being part of you, part of life, part of all that is, know that you are one and the same. You can also stir with a wooden spoon while doing this to enliven the water further.

Then follow the same procedure as the first cup, drink slowly, taste, feel and observe. You should notice quite a difference.

the wake up call for you will be so hard my man.

understanding that all your spiritual differences are just your new non sense.

I had a friend like you in real life, I liked him he talked to me about aliens and many things ( but he had aswell a big bottle of LSD ),

such a nice guy, wanting to energize his lemon on the sun ( to stack the energy ) and all kinds of non sense with pendulum. 

while in the meantime talking to me "how to cook your own amphetamine in a oven".


I mean sorry man, but the reality is not the new fantasy.

believe me it's so funny to see the human mind always wrapping around ideas and metaphysical concepts just like new religion:drugs.


it's not common sense, and everything is common non sense.

Edited by Aeris

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@Forrest Adkins

What if it’s ‘your’ perception changing? What if there’s no “water”? What if it’s you that bends?

What if the experiment is how you see it?

How would you see it?

What about memory then?

What if it’s not ‘yours’?

What if, it’s just a script?



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21 hours ago, outlandish said:


Science never really is able to replicate these kind of results, and from what I understand Emoto was always very evasive and avoided in conducting his experiments in proper controlled scientific conditions. Generally speaking, the "water memory" stuff Emoto etc talk about is regarded as bunk pseudoscience, there is probably not a real, physical phenomenon here.


Intention has a lot of effect, not in these kind of direct physically observable ways, but in more of a meta-way. Psychologically, sociologically, spiritually. So I feel there is a more important truth here, that guys like Emoto aren't literally correct, but what they're talking about points to a more important higher truth. Kind of like how a lot of Chistians believe god is a bearded man living in a nebula somewhere - no that's probably not literally true, but it might point a lot of them to a higher truth and the details don't matter so much.

Cargo cult


Thanks for this non BS answer! 
Was about to write something similar, but you hit the nail on the head.

Edited by undeather

MD. Internal medicine/gastroenterology - Evidence based integral health approaches

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