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Leo Kaminski

What is a Judgement?

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Interesting Topic today 

I have been thinking about this for quite some time now.

What is a judgment and what purpose does it serve for the ego? @Leo Gura

I unterstand that to demonize something or somebody means to not fully look at them. It keeps you from self reflecting and keeps up your self bias. How does this work with a judgment? I feel a judgement is the subtle, smaller version of demonizing and condemning something or somebody. You resist a certain part of reality, not accept it as something equally valid. It is also a protection mechanism to stay the way you are (physically or mentally). 

Still what is a judgement? Is it the "unacceptance" of a certain thing or person. Is it the demonization of that very thing? Is it just resisting something? 

And with these questions comes another one. Can a judgment be valid or not? From an existential point of view it cannot be valid since  it carries a certain self bias with it. Still I can be hurt and die if war starts. So me judging it is not valid just because there is my self bias entailed?

The annoying thing about this topic is that I have 1000 examples of judgements. I know what it does partially, but I have no on point definition or understanding of it. Please help me to create one. 

Share your thoughts and definitions!

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@Leo Kaminski How about exploring the meanings we give our judgments? Start to separate the various kinds of judgment you perceive and decide what why and how they are defined as such 


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@Leo Kaminski Any interpretation is a judgement. Any assignment of meaning is a judgement. If I am walking in nature and think "That flower is beautiful", that is a judgement. If I say my favorite movie is "Inception" it is a judgement. If I think "That is a pencil", it is a judgement. "I need to pee" is a judgement. The mind is constantly judging it's environment, it is a judgement machine. That's pretty much all it does all day long. 

You seem to be trying to create a category of judgments that cause inner turmoil and interfere with inter-personal relations. For example, my mind may interpret reality like "My boss is such a jackass. He isn't even qualified for the job. He only got it because his uncle owns the company". Or, "people that eat insects are gross. They are like animals". These types of judgments may interfere with inner peace and exploration in life. We may never notice our boss actually has some talents we could learn from. We may never realize that our boss acts overbearing because of his fear of not being good enough. . .  We may never travel to places because they eat insects there. We may miss out on a lot. Who knows, maybe we would love chocolate-covered crickets!!

Yet there are also grey areas. Imagine someone is highly active. She runs marathons and hikes to mountaintops. She goes on a date with a guy that has muscular dystrophy. He seems like a nice guy, yet she wants to find a long-term partner to run with and climb mountains. She makes a judgement that she doesn't want to date him. Is she being "judgmental"? Yes. But she was also being "judgmental" when she judged the menu as something to be read than to be eaten. 

You could create categories of "healthy", "neutral" and "unhealthy" judgments. How you categorize them is relative to you. 

5 hours ago, Leo Kaminski said:

Can a judgment be valid or not? From an existential point of view it cannot be valid since  it carries a certain self bias with it.

It depends on your definition of "valid". If your definition of "valid" is something that is objectively, universally true - then no. One person judges eating insects as gross. Another person judges eating insects as a delicacy. Is the judgment "valid" relative to the person? Sure. If someone judges eating insects as delicious - that is valid to them. Is the judgment objectively, universally true? No. 

Any interpretation has some degree of bias. At an obvious bias would be "eating insects is gross". This person may have grew up in a family and culture in which the idea of eating insects is barbaric. This is a personal bias Many personal biases are subconcious. An average person is unaware of the vast majority of their personal biases because they are immersed and identified to that personality. . . A much more subtle bias would be the judgment that this is a paper clip that is useful to hold paper together. This would be a subconscious human bias. The human is perceiving and judging a thing called a paper clip as being useful. A non-human organism, like a bird, would not perceive/judge the object like this.  

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One purpose of judgements is to hold the ego together. It's one of the ego's survival mechanisms.

In order for the ego to survive it has to pit itself against everything else external to it. One way it does this is by constantly comparing itself with other egos in the form of judgements.

The ego sets up a false battle that it always wins. But it's literally life and death for the ego.

For every comparison there's usually an unspoken counterpoint to the judgement. Here's a few I made up:

"I don't eat that sort of food, it's digusting." The unspoken part of the comparison being: "The food I eat is the best sort of food, and so I'm virtuous."

"I would never give money to a beggar, they should just find a job." The other side might be: "I have a job because I'm hard working and motivated. I would never let myself be degraded by begging."

And so on.

For the ego to lose a battle (when we ourselves are being judged), is a slow death.

Edited by LastThursday

57% paranoid

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2 hours ago, Serotoninluv said:

It depends on your definition of "valid". If your definition of "valid" is something that is objectively, universally true - then no. One person judges eating insects as gross. Another person judges eating insects as a delicacy. Is the judgment "valid" relative to the person? Sure. If someone judges eating insects as delicious - that is valid to them. Is the judgment objectively, universally true? No.

I feel like you have created a duality between:

Objectivity, Universality vs Subjectivity, Relativity

Look at how you are categorizing different aspects of Isness into these two categories. You say "Judging insects are gross is not universal".

Observe very carefully what the chimp mind is doing. Look at it.

1."Insects are gross"

2."World and Person, Person and Person!"

3. "Person insects are gross, Person insects are not gross"

4. "All Person insects are gross, Universality! Person insects are gross, Person insects are not gross, Relativity!"


This is the whole stick of the chimp mind. You have created, from "insects are gross", a thing that is foreign from "insects are gross".

"Insects are gross" is not relative, nor universal. "Insects are gross" is "Insects are gross". Relativity is Relativity, Universality is Universality.

This duality is illusional. There is no such thing as Universality, Objectivity, Relativity, Subjectivity.  These things only are because the duality is so.


What you have not realized is that the deconstruction of the Chimp Mind will, necessarily, lead to these kinds of Untruths. The Duality which comes forth as a result of having collapse another one.


There is no person which judges. There is no "validity to them", outside of "validity to them". Your philosophy is abitrary, a result of dualities which have yet to collapse. And even that is nonsensical.

The nonsense is everywhere, in all things made. Nonsense is fundamental. Language is utterly impossible.

Reality and Insanity are equal, there is no difference between them, they are the same thing, yet two labels.



Empty the cup, empty the cup, empty the cup.

Edited by Scholar

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Just now, Serotoninluv said:

@Scholar If someone asks a question in Esperanto, I've found it best to respond in Esperanto. 

Where will this lead us?

The more I look, the more I believe Mysticisms proper place is Mystery. To cut the tongue of those who speak of it.


Only a geniune Spark can lead into the Abyss. For the Spark to take flame it needs Questions, not Answers.


Esperanto extinguishes the Spark.

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7 hours ago, Leo Kaminski said:

but I have no on point definition or understanding of it. Please help me to create one. 

This is not the way.

Do not look for definitions or theories. Do not create anything. Observe your judgments directly. Observe patiently. This is the way.

What a thing is can only be observed. What you think about what it is, is certainly not what it is.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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14 minutes ago, Serotoninluv said:

@Scholar You are free to interact with others as you see best. ? 

I don't care about that.

What might be missed here is this:

The Devil is not merely within Individual or Chimp Ego. The Father of Lies exists in even the interactions between individual chimp egos. The Devil exists not merely in individual mind, it exist both Above and Beneath it's surface. The Devil swims between the collective minds and that which gives Rise to Structure of individual minds.

All Teachings that speak truth come from the Father of Lies.

Enlighten two people, but keep trillions in the Dark. That is the work of the Devil. To hide Truth in plain sight, all one needs to do is speak truth.

The Devil creates the Intellectual curious. The Devil let's him find Truth. The Devil then let's him speak truth, so that noone shall ever find Truth.

The Devil cannot persist in the Light of Truth. This is why the Devil let's the Messiah speak truth. He let's him speak truth, because the Devil will always win in the Realm of truth.
The Devil makes the Messiah take Truth into the realm of truth, because this is where all of the Devils power remains.

Noone can argue with Truth, but everyone can argue truth. Noone can delude themselves with Truth, but all can do so with truth.

Remember the Father of Lies. He had billions of years to evolve. He contains unsurmountable Divine Intelligence. The arrogance of the Messiah, the lack of Devilry, is precisely that which is the Devils greatest gift.

The only weakness of the Devil is his inevitable dissolution.


Once, the Devil put the Messiah on a Cross. Now he gives him a social media following. Same results.


He plays us like a damn fiddle, precisely because his intelligence surpasses that of any chimp that has ever walked this earth. Only collective wisdom can fight the collective Devil. No single chimp can hope to do so alone.

If he believes he can, the Devil already won. This is the way of sabotaging the collective wisdom, by corrupting that which collects around the uncorruptable.

Edited by Scholar

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11 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

This is the way.

This is the way.

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13 hours ago, universe said:

This is the way.

This is the way.

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