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Is remaining in awareness a gift od the higher self or hard work done by the low. one

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I keep having these small tiny breakthroughs that I am pure awareness and not a human. But they keep coming and then going away also. 


I just wonder is it a gift of god (my higher self) at the right time in this lifetime to awaken, or is it purely because I (human self) keep working hard towards this attainment? 

I know at the end it is both, but the main impulse for beconing aware of it and then losing this attainment for a little while, is this gods will, a gift of god? I hope you know what I mean. Is it that god (higher self) is sneakily wanting to awake now and I (human) am pretending that I am working hard towards it?  

Are all mystical experiences a conscious act of god or is it a coincidental stumbling over it by the human self? 

Cause I remember I once read here in the forum: Until you havent awoken god hasnt awoken either. 

Sometimes I have an insight (reaching small enlightenment insights) that god is infinitely intteligent, but awakening is still rather a coincidental act of the deluded human self finally realizing it never was a human. How else does god live a life, when it is deluded and isnt deluded simultaneously? This sonehow sounds like as if there are two gods, one conscious and one unconscious. I HOPE THIS THREAD MAKES SENSE :)

Edited by Schahin

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@Schahin i can tell you one thing - awakening is actuality - it is right now.  It is becoming conscious that you are the now by being the now.

And what you are doing is thinking.  This is the problem!  You are getting in your own way! 

Quiet the monkey mind!

When you get glimpses don't get lost in trying to analyze everything - just bring yourself back to the present moment and keep it there...

It happens when it happens :)

Love you brother!


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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I know brother. 

Its is just a curiosity, I find it extremely curious to know how the "mechanics" of awakening work. 

Awakening means you start to realize that you are existence itself. So now I become curious about this amazing reqlization. Is it a gift being granted by your own highest authority in a complete conscious "act" or is it accidentally realizing it or rather stumbling over it. It is just a curious curiosity :) what is your opinion? 


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It is both and beyond both. Do not try to explain the inexplicable,the only thing you need to do is recognize who you are and accept unconditionally.Become aware that you are aware that's all.❤️

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