
Maybe Leo Hasn't reached the ultimate teaching

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If I interpreted it correctly, Leo suggested in his latest video that the ultimate teaching is Self-Love. That's certainly a high teaching, no doubt about it, but is it the highest? We need to consider that its possible Leo hasn't completed his journey quite yet. 

I remember watching these 3 videos about a year or 2 ago, back when naked reality(Rali?) was around:

There was also a video with an interview of naked reality/rali, but can't seem to find it. 

Anyway I haven't watched the above in a while but I remember the main points of the 3 videos were(these points might have been in Rali's interview): There is stuff beyond God Realization, and Buddhists have only gotten up to God Realization. Jan Esmann has accessed something called the 'blue being'. This is not Self-Love by the way, according to him its below Self-Love.

So of course this is all theoretical, but its an interesting idea to put forth that God-Realization/Liberation eventually stops. And according to Leo stops at Self-Love. According to Jan Esmann (and a few others I can't remember) it seems like God-Realization/Liberation is never ending, you can keep realizing more and more facets of God forever. Like the 'blue being' whatever that is. 

Anyway, was curious to know how the experiences of Jan Esmann and the like integrate with Leo's experiences. 

Blue being: 8:16 8:06 of first video, also called blue pearl. 

Edited by electroBeam

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Blue Beings and whatnot do not contradict Self-Love, and since any kind of being is a form, it is still a subtle form of duality.

I didn't say things "stop" at Self-Love. Self-Love is infinite. It's all that is. You can keep exploring the world of form forever. No matter what new forms you discover, it will all just be facets of your Self.

So there's no real contradiction here. Just people talking about different facets and forms in different ways.

There may be all sorts of beings in the universe. So what? None of it threatens or undermines nonduality.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Blue Beings and whatnot do not contradict Self-Love, and since any kind of being is a form, it is still a subtle form of duality.

Is there anything left to be conscious of after Self-Love, and if there isn't what's left to do? Create?

And how long (lifetimes/years) would it take an average American to reach Self-Love?

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4 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

Is there anything left to be conscious of after Self-Love, and if there isn't what's left to do? Create?

Look, I think you're taking this Self-Love thing too literally. It's not an object you find out in the world like some Holy Grail. Self-Love is just a label I invented for a teaching.

Yes, there's tons of stuff to become conscious of before and after Self & Love. I have described many facets of awakening in my so-titled video.


And how long (lifetimes/years) would it take an average American to reach Self-Love?

This question has no answer. It all depends.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Ironically it feels pretty selfish to love yourself. Even if we’re just talking about the ”real self” and not the ego. I believe it’s more spiritual to love others and not yourself.

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1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:

I have described many facets of awakening my so entitled video.

Yes but as you said before, the amount of facets are finite. So if its finite its possible to become conscious of them all and so I was just asking what do you do when all facets have been explored. 

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6 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

Yes but as you said before, the amount of facets are finite. So if its finite its possible to become conscious of them all and so I was just asking what do you do when all facets have been explored. 

You abide in Self-Love and nondual awareness and enjoy life.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 hour ago, jim123 said:

Ironically it feels pretty selfish to love yourself. Even if we’re just talking about the ”real self” and not the ego. I believe it’s more spiritual to love others and not yourself.

you can use a lifetime figuring out the differences between egoic- love and self-love. if you say it still feels selfish to love yourself and more spiritual to love others, you did not understand how deep self-love really goes. self-love without understanding the notion of an ego and without understanding what is meant with Self-Love seems like Love an abstract meaningless word or concept if you did not Understand what is meant. You must at least once have met a person who is practicing self love to get a hint about what self-love is. as i understand it it is more like a self compassion and i guess what leo includes is love = truth. although leo includes compassion into truth as far as my understanding goes. so as long as you put ego before these of course you won`t understand the importance of realizing that it is still egoic love and it always will be also egoic love, egoic love where ego and higher self align and the one you need to love is it as you can`t overcome that. self love means your godly self loves your ego and your it until the point where they become godly self. it all does not work without self understanding, and until you do these terms are all abstracts like skandhas or kaya. and even if you understand you might have not arived there yet as you can never stop understanding. and all of these concepts if you practice real self-love you don’t need to know them.

Edited by remember

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@electroBeam When you become fully self realized and 'finished' so to speak do you know what you do? You drop all of this (unless your teaching) you have no need to talk about it or think about it anymore. 

These teachings are like medicine and once you're well again you don't keep popping the pills. 

So, what you do is you go and live the life you desire and do whatever the fuck you wanna do, wanna play golf? Wanna build a business? start a family etc, you live an ordinary life but it won't be ordinary because the ordinary has become the extraordinary. 

However, the 'Human' work never ends, work on your Enneagram type, your health and fitness, if you have a business and career etc until the day you die, but in terms of thhis work, once you're finished you go live life how you want. 

We are here to be happy and enjoy ourselves- no need to ask why, just go enjoy life without resistance and from the Self! It's amazing believe me!

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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@electroBeam The blue being was an experience that Jan had which allowed him to give Shaktipat. Apparently its a manifestation of Shiva and only a handful of people in existence today have had it. Amma is apparently permanently merged with the blue being/Shiva Consciousness, according to Jan. 

Jan's and Leo's experiences seem different on the surface, but as Leo said, they're just different perspectives of different facets, using different words and terminology. Underneath it all, its all the same. 

But Jan is an interesting case. I talked to him about his past lives and he said he has been a spiritual seeker for many many lifetimes. 

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It is not uncommon, when we are letting over thinking go, for the mind to make some massive last attempts. As awareness, of thoughts, you can readily spot this, as the mind will weave a story to capture attention, typically involving past, future, and other people. 

There is being, you, awareness, consciousness, love, and there is experience, appearance of the same. 

The way is meditation every morning, or any and all modalities which work for you. 

By work for you, I mean going within, into feeling, and letting the habit of overthinking go. 

“Blue Beings” is a funny distraction to this, in hindsight...no?

Aware of it / them this is experience, appearance.

Likewise, questioning if a ‘teacher has the highest teaching’...when every single one of them, without exception, are suggesting going within and self discovering. It’s safe, go ahead. :) 

@LfcCharlie4 ????♥️



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If I am THIS then how to take life coaching from @Nahm When he is me lol. Yeah a ide as Consciousness it will blow your head off + Yes you can live your life with Princess and panther. 

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Please forgive me.


My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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True self-love is god realization/libration. When the self is merged to infinite love. 

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@electroBeam It should be irrelevant if Leo is at THE highest teachings or ANYONE is at the ultimate level of teaching. 
What is important is how well you execute what you do know in your life directly.  Not a direct quote but Bruce Lee said he fears a man that practices one kick 1000 times more than a man that practices 1000 different kicks.  

At this point, Leo has said many things and hit on topics that overlap each other since he's done so much content.  The videos from here just offer different layers that may help you understand what is already inside you. Depending on where in your life you are, even listening to the same video a year from now may give you more depth and you may even pick up something new that you didnt pick up before.  


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16 minutes ago, erik8lrl said:

True self-love is god realization/libration. When the self is merged to infinite love. 

Well that is always case but it is not revelead until you give away self and splitting of ONE. God has no self and that is path all about. Funny thing you have to use ego to dedtroy ego lol which is paradox. 

Infinite Love... maybe I am not some wacko lol. 

As much as it is awesome it is terrifying too. 

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People you all need to realize that Leo is just a guy although popular on YouTube still he is just a man and because of this that means that he still has things to learn just like everyone else and has by no means obtained the "highest teaching " in fact the fact that he is in the spotlight shows that he has not reached the higher levels of understanding yet because he is subject to the collective mind of society and as long as he stays in the eye of society he will be subject to the collective desires  . True masters stay in the dark for a reason. 

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14 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

You abide in Self-Love and nondual awareness and enjoy life.

That is the pinnacle of the self-actualization.

I was amazed that it was always in front of our eyes.

I Love you :x!  

Edited by archi

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haha nice advice guys. But the blue being wasn't an entity, it was blue 'being', being God. It was a way to describe nonduality.

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