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Getting attached very easy

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Hello everyone. I am wondering why i get very attached to people very often. Before one week i left a job were i was for a very short period of time around 3 months( i left it because of the boss) even the short period of time i got very close to my cowerkers, they were the best cowerkers ever. After my leaving we spent one weekend together drinking and partying, it was great. So now there is lonlieness and bad feelings in me that i will lost touch with them and that they will never invite me somewhere again. I know that you would say that i have esteem problem but i think that my self esteem is decent.. And you know what, my mind doesnt want to fix the root problem it wants to``possess  this people`` so to speak. 

Edited by Kiko

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@Kiko What do you mean when you say you want to possess them? 

You mean you want them to be closer friends?

If that's the case you have to make the effort to keep in touch. Exchange numbers and arrange to go out. 

I'm not sure what your issue is to be honest. 

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@Kiko Impermanence may or may not involve attachment. 

I participated in a meditation group for years and grew close to a lot of the members. One time during a walking meditation, I realized this is impermanent. This building, sangha, friends and teacher will be gone. There was an essence deep sorrow of impermanence, yet there wasn't attachment. My mind and body simply experienced the essence of deep sorrow within me and floating around the room. It was a mystical experience. Since then, the meditation group has dissolved and several members have passed away. . . 

There can also be impermanence with attachment. One time I was with my gf. The relationship was coming apart. We were having dinner one time and I realized that I was the one holding our relationship together. She just wasn't into it. During dinner, she said she wanted to switch from monogamy to open. I then realized this was the end. We just weren't on the same page and resonating anymore. Then impermanence entered. We had so many magical and loving experiences together and I could sense it's ending. There was realization this may be the last time I see her. There was a deep sorrow. Yet in this case, my mind and body wanted to hold on. It didn't want to let go. There was attachment. I tried to change her mind, which I couldn't. Then I agreed to try an open relationship - although my mind and body said not to. I was attached. 

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