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Infinity vs eternity

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So if you have unlimited time (eternity) to explore infinity ever full explore it ? Do you ever think every single possible thought? If you have eternity you advantualy would have to explore all of infinity right?


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Your question assumes unfoldment across time, a process, and a difference between folded and unfolded. These are still subtle dualities which must be transcended.

From the highest level, everything happens at once and eternally.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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25 minutes ago, Nate0068 said:

So if you have unlimited time (eternity) to explore infinity ever full explore it ? Do you ever think every single possible thought? If you have eternity you advantualy would have to explore all of infinity right?

Just one way of framing it: You are creating linear infinity within two dimensions - the dimensions of space and time. Yet there are an infinite number of dimensions with aspects of both linear and non-linear.

Infinite time = eternity = Now. Now is eternal, yet it’s hard to see because the mind is immersed within a timeline of past, present, future in one dimension.

This is a video recently posted by another user. You may find it interesting.


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