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Oneironauts - Explorers of Consciousness

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EVERY exploration of consciousness is a noble and worthy act. Including the ones who are partially deluded and believe that they are interacting with a spirit or a demon. Or even ones who are stuck in a strict materialist paradigm, but continue to explore consciousness as a curiosity. 

Humanity has pulled away from exploration of consciousness , ironically at a time when we need it most. The majority of people don't even care about what they can do with their imagination , or about their dreams, or about seeing what's right in front of their face. Because it's easier to live in ignorance, and to distract themselves with the highly emotional roller coaster that is unconscious life.

The punchline is that you ARE consciousness. Mirrored in infinite ways. You cannot be unconscious to YOURSELF. you are only being Yourself, as one of the infinite refractions has dictated the story to be. So why do we shy away from exploring OURSELVES? Trust me, it's pretty awesome. 

There are many ways to start. The simplest way is through self development, where you learn to observe and grow. Just the mere observation of consciousness is an exploration of consciousness. Another method is through visualization. Whether it's reliving a memory, seeing and feeling as much as you can- to letting your raw imagination take over and show you things, there are methods to achieve this.

Then there's psychedelics. These are well known ways to explore consciousness from the waking state.  I don't have much experience with psychedelics, besides Marijuana and LSA. 

Next, is dream work. This starts simply as becoming more aware of your dreams, recording them, and continuing your self development through the symbols and patterns you find throughout your dreams.

Now comes the fun part ?. The more you become aware of your dreams, the more you begin to awake in them. This is called lucid dreaming. This itself has several levels of mastery and there's many practices that work for different brain-types. But it is also your window into infinite creation. The powers of God are at your fingertips, and you can create and destroy whole worlds. Probably universes. And yet there's several levels of mastery to this as well. The dream does not spoil you right away and give you full control. Many times you are denied your wishes and intentions. But this only takes practice, and there is nothing which you cannot imagine.


Lucid dreamers are called oneironauts. Fashioned after 'astronaut', oneironaut means an explorer of dreams, or consciousness. Pretty cool, huh? Let's be oneironauts together! 

What are others ways you can think of to explore Consciousness?( besides the obvious 'just go live life' ?) 

Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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@Virtually I'm glad you liked it?.  Could you share what practices you do to explore consciousness? 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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 (hint : it's really easy. Because technically everything you do or don't do is an exploration of consciousness.... So if you enjoy a hobby, say... Gardening, or video games, tell us what you like to do  and how this exploration of consciousness affects your life. Does seeing these hobbies as an exploration of consciousness make you think about things differently? 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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