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The power of laws/divisions

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I was just contemplating about why science is not True, and is False, and paradoxically how science is able to be used to create so much technology even though its false. Like how science is able to predict things and make aircraft fly, etc. 

I think the answer is, because science put laws/limitations on reality. It tells you how certain phenomena should and not not behave. And this very act of limitation has a profound implication for how our universe is structured. See limitation allows things to be created. Without limitation things cannot be created. When you set laws, like what's a number that's larger than 5 and smaller than 500, you allow all the numbers between 5 and 500 to exist, which is a whole range of creations. When you remove that limitation, how can anything be created? Any forms? Of course in this example its obvious, but when you contemplate about this, with every single limitation in the universe (our entire cosm) you start to see the function/purpose of duality. 

Scientists are not just going around misinterpreting reality by calling it atoms and molecules and energy particles because they are dumb. They are literally helping God enable creation. Without science, aircraft couldn't exists, and its BECAUSE science is WRONG/FALSE that aircraft exist. See how fucken amazing that is? Science is a creation tool. Its a worldly paint brush. 

That means, scientific revolutions and concepts have direct implications for what world we will live in. What will be created. This is the true importance of science. 

And if we want a world where everyone wakes up, guess what that means? Limit/divide the universe in such a way that it transforms living beings into people that wake up. In other words, use science and revolutionise it so that people wake up -> create psychedelics using science, technology that puts people in trances or hypnosis, etc. It really is possible, it just depends on how you slice and dice the universe. 

And its ok that science is false, its meant to be false, so that we can create, and by creating we create duality, and by creating duality we create the opportunity to experience God. 

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Good points. I wouldn't call science wrong/false though. I think it only seems 'false' from a certain perspective, which is non-duality.

Edited by Lento

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@Lento All of the technology you see, cars, aircraft, all exist in the form they are because of the way science has been CHOSEN to be divided up. Science cause a massive domino effect, creating all sorts of technological creations. 

If you invent a new scientific theory/revolution about the life sciences, you will see that science ripple through all of the plants, animals, etc, all of the plants and animals will literally transform into something completely different to what they were before the theory. Contemplate this: did evolution happen before Darwin? What if evolution became 'real'/appeared in existence at the same time Darwin created it? That means in the 1500s evolution was literally not real. It only became real after Darwin. then it rippled not just from Darwin's time to future, put also from Darwin's time to the past. Evolution is not a thing that always existed and Darwin found that truth, God/Darwin literally created that truth on the spot after Darwin created it. The universe literally didnt have evolution before darwin created it. 


This shows you the power of creation. You can literally create the universe you want. You can transform the entire universe into anything. And when it has been completely transformed into something indistinguishable then the past, people won't even notice - they will walk around as if that's how it's always been. 

EDIT: slight correction. I don't mean evolution became real for everyone as soon as Darwin created it. I mean as soon as someone learns about Darwin's theory of evolution, God literally creates evolution on the spot in your consciousness. 

That's why creationists have such a hard time with evolution, in their consciousness, evolution literally doesn't exist. God literally didnt create evolution in their consciousness. So actually when creationists say evolution doesn't exist - they are exactly right, it literally doesn't exist. As soon as they learn about evolution, and their perspectives change, then God literally creates evolution on the spot. 

This is the essence of changing paradigms. People in different paradigms are literally living on different planets. There isn't 1 planet and we are all sharing it. There is a multiverse of planets some with evolution and some without, and we are all living on different ones but communicating to each other as if we are on the same one. 

So it's possible to create whatever planet you want. And take people along with you on that planet. You can make whatever planet you want.  

Edited by electroBeam

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I wasn't disagreeing with the main idea, if that was your concern.

However, I now have to disagree with the last point you've made. In my opinion, it's not possible (not impossible either) to create whatever "planet" you want. It just isn't possible at all times, or at will. The lens you're viewing creation from is idealistic, it's mainly what Leo teaches, and it lacks realism. I like to look at reality in terms of dualities. Here, the proper lens would be realism vs. idealism. So, yes in some sense, you're right, you can create whatever you want. In another sense, though, you can't.

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