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Afraid Of The Darkness And I Suffer From Anxiety

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Hi at the moment I am awake because I am sleeping with my television on because I am a bit scared from the night because my first panic attack was at night when I was younger and my TV has no sleeping mode to go of after a hour. I know it sounds redyculous but an advice would help this makes me sometimes feel very anxious.

Edited by Ivansmarks

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14 minutes ago, Ivansmarks said:

Hi at the moment I am awake because I am sleeping with my television on because I am a bit scared from the night because my first panic attack was at night when I was younger and my TV has no sleeping mode to go of after a hour. I know it sounds redyculous but an advice would help this makes me sometimes feel very anxious.

What about darkness that you're afraid of? Have you tried to use night-light and count sheep?

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Well my first panic attack was at night when I was alone at the house of my sister so since then I am practicly mostly sleeping whit light. I

Edited by Ivansmarks

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Just dont know how to overcome that fear because I canor sleep with any type of light.

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@Ivansmarks Your fear is imaginary. There's nothing to be afraid of. Your room is peaceful and quiet and you're in a comfortable bed. Turn off all the distractions and try to relax. Count sheep until you fall asleep....

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Can you explain the feeling before the attacks a little better?.. 

First and foremost theres nothing to be ashamed of in doing this, just saying its common.. Im a big kid/grown-up and i also find comfort in sleeping with the TV on sometimes for more than one reason.. Im not sure if you feel a presence in the darkness thats scaring you.. If so i know the feeling lately ive been sleeping with the lights on.. One thing is for certain in all my years nothing has gotten me yet.. I dont know if that'll bring you any comfort.. Like Natasha says visualizing imaginary sheep following them with your eyes jumping over a fence and counting them in your mind helps.. I do that.. I say the alphabet visualizing the letters..  Sing my favorite opening theme song to a favorite tv show visualizing the opening credits..  Sometimes the best thing  for me is just to get up turn on the lights walk around my room straighten something, read something, really anything to get your mind off of whatever is bothering you just for a couple minutes and then get back into bed and repeat if necessary.. 

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Well after some time I feel like my feet is trebling or it squez  by itself at the same time I have a very bad visualization process in my head when I go to sleep so while I start to visualize some things in my head that are positive sometimes bad things appear like me killing the sheep`s and that makes me anxious then I start to ask myself am I bad am I something evil. I also went a lot to the church here in Croatia there I learnt how to have fear from the devil so everything started with it and my father used to humiliate me a lot.

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5 hours ago, Ivansmarks said:

Well after some time I feel like my feet is trebling or it squez  by itself at the same time I have a very bad visualization process in my head when I go to sleep so while I start to visualize some things in my head that are positive sometimes bad things appear like me killing the sheep`s and that makes me anxious then I start to ask myself am I bad am I something evil. I also went a lot to the church here in Croatia there I learnt how to have fear from the devil so everything started with it and my father used to humiliate me a lot.

you have created this fear because of your thought process,  so that means that your thought process will have to undergo a change.  Fear as a human being isnt always easy to overcome.  until you can discover the real part of you which is fearless, you might should consider hypnosis, it could make a huge difference for you. could save you a lot of time and fear.

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8 hours ago, Ivansmarks said:

 I start to visualize some things in my head that are positive sometimes bad things appear like me killing the sheep`s and that makes me anxious then I start to ask myself am I bad am I something evil.

you know what? I think everyone has some sort of weird thoughts and it shouldn't be scary, because they are just thoughts. To be honest, sometimes there are really crazy thoughts in my mind(especially in night), just like in your case, when I let my mind loose it often leads to crazy, abstract or even murder scenes, and once I was really terrified by that and couldn't sleep,I used to ask myself questions like: am I evil person? but then I realised that these are ONLY thoughts and you have a control over them, not the opposite :). Next time when you will have thoughts like these, just try to be aware of them and just let them be, like in "Do nothing" meditation, you just let your mind do whatever it wants to do. I hope it will help you to sleep with no light.;)

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@Ivansmarks Please watch these (and his other related vids). Tolle's teachings helped me understand how thought process works and how to heal from destortions of the mind. Hugs


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Thanks people I wanted to ask you that if I watch these videos constantly will help well ofcourse also understanding.


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@Ivansmarks until you've found out and internalized that there is no reason to be scary at night (meditation etc).. Wouldn't it be better to hear soft music while you sleep..? It's surely healthier than TV because of a great amount of mess that is diffused there .. It may also help your mind to calm down

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Hi its me again its just to hard to turn off the TV when you get used to it. For example everything was a lot potentialed by the church I was going to they made me afraid of the devil.

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2 hours ago, Ivansmarks said:

Hi its me again its just to hard to turn off the TV when you get used to it. For example everything was a lot potentialed by the church I was going to they made me afraid of the devil.

its called an addiction, and even religion is an addiction

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I know I don´t go to the church anymore.

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4 hours ago, Ivansmarks said:

Hi its me again its just to hard to turn off the TV when you get used to it. For example everything was a lot potentialed by the church I was going to they made me afraid of the devil.

There is no devil. Leo has a good video explaining how religions originated and what the words they use ('devil', 'sin', 'god', 'afterlife', etc)  really mean. And it's not what people conventionally think:  

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hi!-I struggle with anxiety disorders as well-I don't have any ideas on how you can retrain your sleeping habits (I also sleep very little the past few years but meditation helps).I don't know your age or situation so I want to be careful what I say but....I just want to remind you other people out here in the world are struggling with anxiety as well,you're not alone in that area.    as for your church comment - If in fact you are interested in God please remember the "church" is not God and has a habit of following traditions and things like that ( I don't think I'm allowed to go into to much detail on this site about that)-                                                              It sounds like you might be having some free time at night when you can't sleep anyway,so....why not take out your copy of the bible and start looking into this thing-you could go so many directions-maybe look at your encyclopedia as well-historical events that were recorded are very interesting,a subject as simple as holidays is good to research if you want to see how the "churches" have replaced scripture with other ideas.  anyway you might find this interesting....                  I noticed in a 2013 translation of the bible  they had updated the language and used the word "anxiety" in many places        "don't let your heart be troubled  or  don't be dismayed" now reading like this    "don't let your heart become anxious  and   don't be overcome by anxiety".  I hope you find some relief---:)                                                

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Yes I know everything the church does I don´t go anymore to the church Its just that verything is so harder when everyone is toxic in your family.

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I am trying to be very careful what I say-I know this website has rules and I'm really hoping I don't cross any lines here.                                                                         honestly,-looking into the scriptures isn't about proving the church is wrong-they're not bad just blinded and misled by so many things.    have you checked out the historic references and compared  them with your bible (don't quote me on the number but I think there are about 200 of them)-maybe check out the fall of Babylon (historically I mean!)-maybe Tyre and what happened with that!      I think you might want to be careful of thinking you know "everything" the church "does" - they are humans also. humans make mistakes.just don't blindly judge them-check it out for yourself.                                                                                                                     

32 minutes ago, Ivansmarks said:

Yes I know everything the church does I don´t go anymore to the church Its just that verything is so harder when everyone is toxic in your family.

I understand feeling alone and not understood or supported by your family-I spent most of my teenage years in foster care - the rest of my family issues are no walk in the park either.....our family-they are human as well...               I am not able to go to my congregation anymore - It was devastating to me when it happened (about 4 years ago)-- but again, they are only humans----we do what we can .                             

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Some of you do not understand me because its hard to express myself trough this-I understand what you are saying I meditate...

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