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Going to a stage blue country?

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Hey I'm planning to move into a stage blue country Mexico but I'm going to the southern part where there is TONS of nature and wondering if I could do my spiritual path over there because I live in a busy city and I can't stand energy that can be so negative and I want to be a sage and meditate all day. Logistics and rent are all covered since  I have a house there maybe do Airbnb or start a small business for income. Maybe start a retreat center for shrooms who thinks about this plan? 

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It sounds like a great opportunity that may resonate with you. 

I’ve been through parts of southern Mexico, around Cancun. Also to Guatemala, Honduras and Belize. In terms of spirituality, it seemed most people were into religion, yet there were some aspects of traditional magic/spirits and a bit of new age type spirituality. I think you can find a lot of people open to discussing religion and spirituality, mostly in traditional contexts. I think some people, yet far fewer, would be open to psychedelics. From my impressions, some people would have respect for mushrooms since they were used by ancient spiritualists like the Mayans. A few would have personal interests exploring for themselves. 

I mushroom retreat center sounds awesome. I think it would take a lot of skill to be a leader of a mushroom retreat center. One would need manager skills, social skills to work with a variety of people, would need to work with local government, safety issues, psychological and therapy issues, working with tourists etc. I did an Aya retreat in Peru that was top notch. There was one main shaman leader, yet several other leaders very high up. The main leader wasn’t at most of the Aya ceremonies, the other leaders were very qualified. My impression is that it is helpful to have qualified partners in the mix. 

These are just my impressions from my travels. There could be other vibes in southern mexico I am unaware of. 



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