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Kalki Avatar

Experiencing Oneness

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Hello guys, hope this may be useful to anyone / you :)

So, lately I have been wondering why spiritual teachers make so much emphasis on the power of now. Yes, I have experienced shifts in conciousness by practicing presence but it was not so transformative as to how they explain it can be. Because of this I thought that present moment practices where bullshit or not very helpful at all. 

Yesterday, I discovered that reading true realizations suggested by spiritual teachers on a book about the present moment can be really powerful if you pay your whole attention on grasping what is said. I will make it brief, this is what happened:

Before my class at university started, I was reading and the book suggested paying attention on the five senses. I began with my feet, then my hand. Instantly I experienced a shift. But I was not thinking about these things, the book guided me and because the mind loves to be  leaded it was easy to do. Then i focused on my surroundings, no thought at this moment. Then sounds and smells. Conciousness was rising just like the volume of a radio. My experience was turned on. At that point, awareness was obvious so I became more aware of awareness itself. Conciousness was rising more and more. Then I went to class. Suddenly I was so present that I could easily grasp most of the concepts being teached. I would not think about what was said, but just see it in abstraction. In the past I thought authentic meditation was more helpful for grasping concepts but yesterday I realized that concentrative meditation is more useful since it is of the mind. 

After class, I got home and my family was eating thanksgiving dinner. I got my food and began eating. Suddenly, I finished my food and had not said a word about anything. My family thought there was something wrong or I did not liked the food. But i was simply so present I lost time and no thought or sense to speak came. Then this is where it comes, out of nowhere as I looked at my mom I became her, I was seeing my self in her. But i did not realized what it really was it was just something weird. Then my mind tried to explain it as oneness and instantly I lost the experience. But i was so focused on the present that the ego dissolved again and i just felt pure being. It literally felt like the image of the guy taking his mask and the universe being revealed behind its face. I forgot who I was and how i looked, everything. Then I looked at my grandma and I was her, then my grandpa, then my uncle, my aunt and my father. Even the music playing was me. I was all of it at the same time and "me". After seeing that, I realized I was alone but it didnt felt really like alone because its the only truth, It felt more like oneness, totality and identification with everything I was seeing. I realized I am the orchestra. 

My habitual tendencies started to rise again but i was aware of not being them, neither my body, neither my self image which has been 90% killed after this seeing. It does not matter if your ego is still there, thoughts, emotions, even behaviours. When you realize your non of that, your detachment will lead to Freedom. Those things will be there while they last but you will be free of them. 


Be open and dont underestimate the most simple spiritual teachings. Intense presence is a shortcut to awakening. Presence, awareness and infinity are each a deeper/subtler level than the previous. Non of it is better than the other. What you really are is simply truth. These things are part of truth so each is you at a deeper level. But again, what you really are is just truth. 

Oneness seems something crazy only to the mind's imagination. To the True you is nothing more than truth because it knows it is it. It cannot be amazed. If we become 100% present, this means everything the truth contains in the now will be revealed as a consequence. 

Since truth is right here and right now, forget about maya, your past awakenings, the exterior world or anything you think is an obstacle. Just focus on the truth, right here and now, either through concentration, meditation or contemplation. Maya will fall by itself. You dont have to try to dissolve it. Just get the truth right now and you will see through the illusions. 


Edited by Kalki Avatar

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. - Jeremiah 33:3

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