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In what points conservatives are more correct than liberals?

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What are the things that liberals can learn from conservatives?

Also i think, that cognitive developmemt is much deeper than education and culture, and in many more subtle and individual fields - personally and inter-personally, a conservative person can be in green and even above. Not as a rare case, but even as a common case.

🌻 Thinking independently about the spiral stages themselves is important for going through them in an organic, efficient way. If you stick to an external idea about how a stage should be you lose touch with its real self customized process trying to happen inside you.

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Improved Liberal thought:  Its my job to give people compassion and supporting them when they are down then empowering them to take control of their lives then eventually see, they were completely responsible themselves the entire time.  

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It's a good question.

Conservative values have importance, such as: courage, independence, hard work, commitment, discipline, faith, etc.

Make sure you don't skip over stage Blue. That's basically what Jordan Peterson's redeaming message is.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura, what are yout thoughts on this?

We are going to live on an empty planet.

For half a century, statisticians, pundits, and politicians have warned that a burgeoning population will soon overwhelm the earth's resources. But a growing number of experts are sounding a different alarm. Rather than continuing to increase exponentially, they argue, the global population is headed for a steep decline—and in many countries, that decline has already begun.

In Empty Planet, John Ibbitson and Darrell Bricker find that a smaller global population will bring with it many benefits: fewer workers will command higher wages; the environment will improve; the risk of famine will wane, and falling birthrates in the developing world will bring greater affluence and autonomy for women.

But enormous disruption lies ahead, too. We can already see the effects in Europe and parts of Asia, as aging populations and worker shortages weaken the economy and impose crippling demands on healthcare and social security. The United States and Canada are well-positioned to successfully navigate these coming demographic shifts--that is unless growing isolationism leads us to close ourselves off just as openness becomes more critical to our survival than ever.

This is the book:

Me on the road less traveled.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

It's a good question.

Conservative values have importance, such as: courage, independence, hard work, commitment, discipline, faith, etc.

Make sure you don't skip over stage Blue. That's basically what Jordan Peterson's redeaming message is.

I consider myself stage green/yellow, but i don't have some of the good values from blue and orange, like hard work, commitment, discipline but i have those as my number one priority to develop right now, this is possible?

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16 minutes ago, Recursoinominado said:

I consider myself stage green/yellow, but i don't have some of the good values from blue and orange, like hard work, commitment, discipline but i have those as my number one priority to develop right now, this is possible?

Nope, you've become too advanced now, a sort of Einstein, you can never develop those primitive monkey values ever again.  

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56 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

Nope, you've become too advanced now, a sort of Einstein, you can never develop those primitive monkey values ever again.  

I have not said that, watch your projections. 

What i meant was if it is possible to at stage green, without having fully embodied blue and orange values. 

I outgrow them by seen their limitations while i was at those stages, my view today is much more holistic, complex and systematic, going for turquoise maybe in this lifetime (:P) but i have not fully embodied a good work ethic, discipline and commitment (at least not with their full spectrum). That being said, i do recognize that those values are important, in fact, they are the bottleneck of my self-actualization right now. 

My green side doesn't like rigidity and authority, even self-imposed, my work is to recontextualize those blue values and integrate them like a good soon to be yellow.  

Edited by Recursoinominado

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@Recursoinominado Find out yourself. Learning to do this will be part of learning autonomy and therefore moving into yellow.

Figure out how you could integrate these values. It's not rocket science.

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@Recursoinominado I think you dont have to inherent those blue-orange value in their original context, because only the structure is important here, which to say that you can use those commitment and discipline values only in your higher-consciousness goals and it will be enough. For example: have a discipline to maditate every day at least 30 minutes.

Edited by Nivsch

🌻 Thinking independently about the spiral stages themselves is important for going through them in an organic, efficient way. If you stick to an external idea about how a stage should be you lose touch with its real self customized process trying to happen inside you.

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

It's a good question.

Conservative values have importance, such as: courage, independence, hard work, commitment, discipline, faith, etc.

Make sure you don't skip over stage Blue. That's basically what Jordan Peterson's redeaming message is.

Actually when i wrote it I though only on blue ?

conservativism associates for me directly to blue. In Israel many free market ideologists like to call themselves proudly "liberals" ??‍♂️  its very trendy. Yes, in relative to communism, you ARE...

But yes, i know conservativism is blue-orange mix.

Edited by Nivsch

🌻 Thinking independently about the spiral stages themselves is important for going through them in an organic, efficient way. If you stick to an external idea about how a stage should be you lose touch with its real self customized process trying to happen inside you.

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14 minutes ago, Scholar said:

@Recursoinominado Find out yourself. Learning to do this will be part of learning autonomy and therefore moving into yellow.

Figure out how you could integrate these values. It's not rocket science.

I kind of answered my own question in my last post, but thanks anyway. 

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2 hours ago, Recursoinominado said:

My green side doesn't like rigidity and authority, even self-imposed

And this is a green shadow

when you say my yyyy side doesn't like xxxxx, it doesn't like it because yyyy has some dogmas that clash with xxxxx.


You're problem isn't that you're too advanced and now reintegrating blue is too hard for you, you're problem is that you're not advanced enough. Your in some sort of no mans land between green and yellow, and to healthy integrate those blue values, requires you to contemplate them in yellow fashion and integrate them. 

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5 hours ago, electroBeam said:

And this is a green shadow

when you say my yyyy side doesn't like xxxxx, it doesn't like it because yyyy has some dogmas that clash with xxxxx.


You're problem isn't that you're too advanced and now reintegrating blue is too hard for you, you're problem is that you're not advanced enough. Your in some sort of no mans land between green and yellow, and to healthy integrate those blue values, requires you to contemplate them in yellow fashion and integrate them. 

Yeah, I get it, that's kind of what I have been doing for some time, this aversion for authority/discipline is a insight I had a couple weeks ago and, gladly, I have made some progress. Not nearly as much as I want to, but still progress, which is nice.


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Conservatives believe that communities and families should be responsible for people's welfare. The shadow of this is that it makes your acceptance within that community key to your survival, so it means you are less free to be an individual, evolve and so some people are left out of this safety net depending on the consciousness of the community. The good thing about it is that the government doesn't have eyes and ears and often fails to react quickly in a time of need. Also in a time of death or crisis, it's a beautiful thing to see a community come together to care for someone, and it offers much more than financial support but makes them feel loved and connected. 

For example, a bus driver for my son's school suddenly got diagnosed with terminal cancer, she was given a month or so to live. Her husband is also a bus driver, and so is her son. There is a terrible shortage of bus drivers because the government doesn't understand how important and how much responsibility the job takes, so it's a job that requires immense responsibility and pays very little. The community makes up for this by greatly appreciating and honoring their kid's bus drivers. A huge event was scheduled last minute to raise money (much needed) for her family. The government can put in policies that come from the heart and are a reflection of the people's consciousness, but the government will never have a heart itself. It operates based on rules, standards and policies and will never be able to intuit or react like a community. 


My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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