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Should I Get A Job?

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A lot of people in the self help field suggest that you don't get a job. But what if you're broke? I assume you need to get a job to at least make enough for start up capital?

Although a lot of the people i watch are big on new age type philosophies and manifesting your own reality so maybe they're suggesting to just change the mindset/attitude towards money? I'm open to that but it seems like i could make the money faster by just slaving away for a few months.

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This is just my opinion so do not take it literal.

     I say follow your gut. You have to be careful with the new age stuff...some of those people have self destructive behavior and avoidant behavior that they paste over there B.S with this stuff. Though what they are saying def has truth to it and possibility.  It could come with some pitfalls. So expectation management on your end might be helpful for you. Remember whatever you are doing may sound good in theory overall it may not be for the highest and best.  You can not always get what you want at other's expense which most of them do not clarify. Doing your best to be distinct with yourself and honest with where you are at on your journey so you are not skipping steps and authentically building yourself over time. So either having a job or not having a job at this time could be serving you and that's really for you to sit with. 

       You never know where you are going to learn a new spiritual insight to carry with you that might serve a purpose to you later on, on your path. I have gotten many spiritual insights by following my gut and showing up places even at jobs and from many different outlets. I do my best to stay open and not isolate myself from perspective's when reaching for something. I learned to become a pack pocket thinker and good listener...  meaning if I see something or connect with information I save it for later in my back pocket just in case. Molding into this stuff could lead to later regrets.  Not trying to scare you just hoping to save you from later grief.  Hope this some what helps. :)

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I think if you really don't have the funds to start your business, then yes it's worthwhile getting a job, as long as you see it as a means to an end and not a step on the traditional path. Stick to specific goals of saving, and set yourself a get out date. Work, save, get out and pursue your business dreams. Think of it like a gap year. And use it as an opportunity to keep reading and learning and and really substantiate your game plan so you can hit the ground running when you leave the job.

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@Helena4 yeah, a specific get out date seems helpful because i know it's easy to slip into mediocrity once you get use to the routine.

Edited by stevegan928

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Should you get a job? It depends.

If you're goal is to ultimately start your own business, then it depends on what that business is and whether it needs any capital.

I recommend watching this short video where Robert Kiyosaki, a renowned financial expert and author, explains the four types of directions to make money.

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The money you want is in the pockets of other people, therefore what you have to do is to convince them to give it to you.

The best way to do that is generating VALUE  (Value: everything that a client is willing to pay for.)

Working is tecnically selling your personal services in exchange of money. The value of your work and for everything is how much people are willing to pay for.

The challenge here is to find something that you are pasionate of, is meaningful to you and there are people willing to pay for it.

My advice to make money is: don't focus on work, focus on VALUE. Think of how you can generate value. 

Also This video is really good:

Is THINK and Grow Rich.

NOT work and Grow Rich

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