
If life is a game

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Life is only a game, you can make up whatever rules you want, theres no winners or losers. It's your show , your reality. So when you are downbeat about a failure why equate failure as being bad. Who told you otherwise? Who said your failure meant you must feel negative and depressed about it? You are too sucked into the content of life and play  the rules that everyone else does. Instead just be fascinated with the structure of life whatever comes your way.

Try for the sake of trying, be positive for the sake of being positive and dont let anyone tell you that your rules are wrong, this is your game after all, you're the only one playing. Your rules create your reality and even if you fail a million times over or are unable find what you want in life, instead treat it with incessant curiosity, I wouldn't whats going to happen here?

Edited by Chives99

"You have to allow yourself to not know"- Peter Ralston

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@Chives99 good point. if you think that you can win and as a consequence that you can lose, there will always be fear. all finite games are based in fear. paradoxically, true motivation can only come when you let go of the idea that you can win.

I highly, highly recommend reading 'Finite and Infinite Games' by James P. Carse. It's my favourite book.


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Great post. Thanks. 

Thing is, most people will come and tell you, many times that you have lost, while not even knowing what your goal was in the first place. So truth is that it is not really about you, it's just them projecting their own negativity onto you. 

Easy Example:

If you wanna become a great bodybuilder but after hardcore training, you still get the last place at the bodybuilding tournament.

Arnold Schwarzenegger won't come and tell you that you are loser. Neither, any other truly successful person...but:

Your mum, who is average; who is 9 to 5 employee; who has 0 passion; hates her job and life; will come to you and tell you that you have wasted your time. She will tell you that you are a loser.

Truth is, your mum is just projecting her own negativity onto you. 

Many people can't realize that and they let other people, outside circumstance dictate rules of their game...

Digital Minimalism: A philosophy of technology use in which you focus your online time on a small number of carefully selected and optimized activities that strongly support things you value, and then happily miss out on everything else.” - Cal Newport

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Life is a game...there are no winners or losers, but you can not make up the rules.  Unless you can decide you can jump from a building and fly...and do fly.  I would like to see that.  No, the games can be played...but their rules are already set.

The game rules do not include feeling negative about "failures".  There is no such thing as failure...only a misstep during learning.  Mastery happens with lots of missteps and when you learned to walk or ride a bike.  No reason to feel bad about it or beat yourself up over falling or the misstep.  They are necessary to learn and master.  This is not changing the rules of the game...but our own internal reactions to how we play the game.

Edited by eputkonen

Eric Putkonen - stopped blogging and now do videos on YouTube -

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  On 11/29/2019 at 3:41 PM, SoonHei said:

they are set... to be bent and broken.

only one rule: YOU decide the rules. YOU make the rules.



@Chives99 beautiful :x

Good luck with the I said, I would like to see that.

Eric Putkonen - stopped blogging and now do videos on YouTube -

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@Chives99 It’s amazing how well the mind and body does when it is free to just be, without cowbell thought stories of shoulds and shouldn’ts. 

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@Rasheed  I find everyone is constantly trying to suck me into playing their game, the game of their identity. They could have a bold identity as someone kicking ass in life or a weak one where they have no hope. Some people have a mix of both where they have a hard life but yet are successful in other ways, i find talking about their game ie the content just perpetuates it, but telling people to stop identifying with their character would make them lose interest in the conversation very quickly as its no longer about them.

"You have to allow yourself to not know"- Peter Ralston

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