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I had an interesting yellow awakening

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Today i was sitting with my best friend in a restaurant in Tel Aviv.

He said that he won't vote for Bibi, but that the "Likud" (bibi's party) itself is good enough.

I said "How its can be good enough?! Its a right wing conservative party. Its obvious that "blue&white" (centrist party) has much more good values... and the economic of them is much better..." and he said "why its better?" ... i said also that our party much more support gays. And he said that likud also supports...".

He is my best friends and we have quite similar values in general lines.

And then i was thinking like: wait a minute... we are RIGHT NOW dont agree about x y z. Lets just hear what he has to say NOW and talk about those details for theirselves. This is much stronger than the picture i have of the values and all of that.

And then it just threw me to the present moment which, this is what there is! So like lets get out of the invisible magnetic field of the ideology and be just here. Only here. It was a very special feeling.

Still I want to hear from him that he is closer to my party values cause its not easy to give that up (and i believe he is because i know him for years) but also im very curious to see more the liquid phase between the "ideas".

Maybe the fact that he is not israeli in his origin makes him see the things differently. Maybe he doesnt know "likud" well enough. But even if its true, the controversy we had did something to me.


Edited by Nivsch

🏔 Spiral dynamics can be limited, or it can be unlimited if one's development is constantly reflected in its interpretation.


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