
Should Enlightened Teachers focus on teaching individuals rather than mass teaching?

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On 11/27/2019 at 6:36 AM, NormanN said:

In our interconnected world, there are so many ‘mass’ teachings about Enlightenment out there that seekers are swamped by a sea of opinions and systems on the subject. A teacher can have thousands of followers and provide a one-size-fits-all system for them, a system which may not have an effect on the majority of their followers. 

The amalgam of ideas and theories which a seeker has to wade through is caused by the ease with which any teacher can spread information across the planet, and while that is helpful, it leaves those teachings open to innumerable interpretations and distortions.

i have been wondering recently whether it would be better for Enlightened Teachers to now focus on providing guidance to individuals, as that may be of more value to seekers than just being given another perspective on the mass teaching of Enlightenment.

So my question is: should teachers spend more time on one-to-one teachings and small groups, so that seekers can be properly guided and helped along their path, or is it better to continue to relay information to the masses and leave each person to find their own way?

What do you guys think?

Should Enlightened Teachers focus on teaching individuals rather than mass teaching?

You are looking to be teaching?



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44 minutes ago, Nahm said:

Should Enlightened Teachers focus on teaching individuals rather than mass teaching?

You are looking to be teaching?

No, not at all! It’s just that there are so many amazing teachers out there that I would like to meet 1-to-1 and learn from , but they are so busy creating mass teachings and have so little time for giving their attention to individuals like me :D. It makes me wonder whether what they are doing is the most effective way to teach.

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@NormanN Switch from the perspective of the teachers to you. Actuality vs abstraction. Solo practices, solo & group retreats, experience “hands on” group stuff like Reiki classes, and experience one on one coaching as well as some group / seminars stuff. 



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2 hours ago, Nahm said:

@NormanN Switch from the perspective of the teachers to you. Actuality vs abstraction. Solo practices, solo & group retreats, experience “hands on” group stuff like Reiki classes, and experience one on one coaching as well as some group / seminars stuff. 

Thanks @Nahm, but I’m really just interested in hearing what you guys think on the matter. I agree that it’s not a topic of crucial importance. but it’s interesting to discuss nonetheless. 

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@LfcCharlie4 How long did it take you to integrate your enlightenment experiences to the point where you felt you were no longer seeking? 

Also, did you have an awakening experience prior to the teachings from your enlightenment coach/guru?

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9 hours ago, Nahm said:

@NormanN Well, my vote is that it is critically important. But I hear ya. ??♥️

@Nahm what is your opinion on the question? After nearly 15000 posts, you’ll probably have had more discussions like this than I have had ?

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@Raptorsin7 I had glimpses but I was not stabilised in non duality at all no, I was a non dual addict watching video after video and reading book after book getting nowhere! 

 In terms of integration I receive RASA every 2 weeks and integrate each session as I go, I have not reached the end of seeking yet, I am close but am struggling with letting everything go, most people will not reach this point alone, there isngreat depth to awakening and one simple awakening or LSD trip won’t do it. 

Integration is key, even after full self realisation, integration could take several years to clear up your “shit” and fully integrate everything into your life, glimpses are the fun bit, but post integration is where awakening stabilises and gets even more fun each time ;) 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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@LfcCharlie4 I'm at a point in my practice where I feel like i'm close to my initial awakening. I don't know if you're familiar with ekkart tole but i've been watching his videos recently and he made me aware of the peace that passeth understanding (sorry for the religious jargon but this is what he called it and i don't know how else to describe it) and i've yet to fully experience it or stabilize it even in meditation.

What is it exactly that you are integrating in your life from a first person perspective? What are you doing, and how is it changing your experience?

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@Raptorsin7  Eckhart is great, he was the original reason I got into this with PON, he's incredible at what he does!

Yes I understand what you mean. And you are integrating the awakenings such as the realization you are awareness and have no boundaries, then the realization you are everything and I mean everything, then integrating the divine love (This led to me loving my teachers so much lol), then integrating the final realzation that the self is all, and the world is merely the self, the final one involves literally throwing away EVERYTHING into the absolute, of course some of it will come back!

My experience has raidcally changed in 9 months from one of overthinking this and getting depressed about it, to basking in the beauty of the now. 

However, this doesn't mean old habits die straight away, I still escape into thoughts and used to struggle to fully feel my emotions, but that is all part of integration and that takes a lot longer than awakening. 

 IF what you're doing is working that's great, Eckhart is great to getting people introduced to this and into the first stage of awakening (where he's at) but if you want to go further, message me and I can recommend some teachers and practices :) 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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7 hours ago, NormanN said:

@Nahm what is your opinion on the question? After nearly 15000 posts, you’ll probably have had more discussions like this than I have had ?

The intention of what the question can lead to, rather than a personal opinion of the question, is the difference. Mine is the end of your suffering...awakening, enlightenment. The topic & conversation are great, sharing information is great, and fun, but they are just a means to getting to actual liberation, right now. I see the perpetuation of “the sufferer”, and am inspired to help see through “it” / “them” / “him” / “her”, whatever you’d like to call the thought.  



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16 hours ago, Nahm said:

The intention of what the question can lead to, rather than a personal opinion of the question, is the difference. Mine is the end of your suffering...awakening, enlightenment. The topic & conversation are great, sharing information is great, and fun, but they are just a means to getting to actual liberation, right now. I see the perpetuation of “the sufferer”, and am inspired to help see through “it” / “them” / “him” / “her”, whatever you’d like to call the thought.  

Well thank you very much for the concern, although I would prefer to have some fun and discuss this topic ?

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