
Enlightnment And Ego

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Enlightnment and ego don't work together because identification to body/mind doesn t allow oneself the access to the "now". The ego needs to be feed all the time by the next thing in order to exist (as projections,  expectations) We ll call it non existance reality.  Enlightment means presence wich reveal the existance of the " nothing".  The endless joy wich doesn t need feeding. 

My point is that Leo who does an amazing work introducing "enlightnment" mix it up in his web with other subjects. When, hopefully he will connect to univers, I'll be surprise if he continues advising people to get better in their ego world, the world of pain, no genuine love and illusion. 




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Leo is learning something from all this, and helping others too. But everything is helping consciousness to become aware of itself.

What do you think?

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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Not everyone is ready to drop their lives and become enlightened. Most aren't even aware of its possibilty. Enlightement and ego work perfectly together, there is no separation, there is only one. Leo will absolutely continue to teach people to grow in their ego world, their illusion, whatever... Basically I think you need to "reconnect to the universe" and tweak your opinions.

Edited by Corte

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found this quote in some Book "wisdom is knowing others. Enlightnment is knowing yourself".

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Aren't we all connected to the universe already?  ?

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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On 6/3/2016 at 0:31 PM, Emm said:

Enlightnment and ego don't work together because identification to body/mind doesn t allow oneself the access to the "now". The ego needs to be feed all the time by the next thing in order to exist (as projections,  expectations) We ll call it non existance reality.  Enlightment means presence wich reveal the existance of the " nothing".  The endless joy wich doesn t need feeding. 

My point is that Leo who does an amazing work introducing "enlightnment" mix it up in his web with other subjects. When, hopefully he will connect to univers, I'll be surprise if he continues advising people to get better in their ego world, the world of pain, no genuine love and illusion. 




this idea of nothingness is the wrong concept to have about enlightenment, it did not come about from people who were enlightened, it came about from people who have never experienced enlightenment.  they are merely speculating about something they know nothing about.  its not about destroying the ego, its about functioning as the being of consciousness that we are without the body. the ego and desires of the flesh simply are in the back seat while consciousness is the driver.  ego is not some entity it is the programing that you have programed yourself with and have allowed yourself to be programed with, part of it is your false belief system that you carry, also the desires of the flesh, and finally your warped perception of everything, this is ego.  the only way this is overcome, or subdued is by taking up a different state of being which has more power than these things.  that state of being will keep you in a state of reality, which comes before your ego, programing, false belief, and warped perception, it will also keep you in the moment of life with the ability to see reality and function without sequences and one has some measure of free will and choice, however that is limited in the respect that once self realized, the choices are made to remain in liberation, and not further enslavement to the human identity.

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There is a consensus about enlightenment even though it is all illusions and projections material. 

- It is already here for everybody, there is nothing to look for.  You must just recognize it or identify it then giving it back his legitimacy. The body/ mind will then start to fade becoming just a type of object without no real interest. 

- This "thing" which is not the body and the mind  is not female or male, it has no name, no past, no emotions, there is no time there, no death. It is easy to feel for anyone who take 10 mms. However it is not enlightenment yet, would be too easy. For the brain it is nothing (  may be from where came the nothing idea)

- There is a point of no return to the body/mind identification when the experience of enlightenment happens regurlarly or very strongly. it could be seen as a shower of Truth. No concepts can resist (ego neither!). There are no words for it. There are then no needs, no expectations, no emotions. It is stillness. 

- Presence is not in the middle of the past and the future. It has no story. The phenomenal world is like waves on the sea, the sea being the Truth. Whatever the movement it doesn t affect the sea itself. It has no importance. Let's wake-up! The world is not going so well .. or we are missing it?. Does ego can survive his own ignorance?

There are still some chances, egos are curious … for the Truth ?  












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Ego don't exist. Enlightenment is realizing that Ego don't exist. What's not working together? 

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Is ego a thought ?

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3 hours ago, Emm said:

Is ego a thought ?

Yup... what make you think it isn't?

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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It sure is ! must be loosing my mind (hopefully). Ego is even quite a sticky thought.

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On 6/7/2016 at 6:13 PM, Emm said:

There is a consensus about enlightenment even though it is all illusions and projections material. 

- It is already here for everybody, there is nothing to look for.  You must just recognize it or identify it then giving it back his legitimacy. The body/ mind will then start to fade becoming just a type of object without no real interest. 

- This "thing" which is not the body and the mind  is not female or male, it has no name, no past, no emotions, there is no time there, no death. It is easy to feel for anyone who take 10 mms. However it is not enlightenment yet, would be too easy. For the brain it is nothing (  may be from where came the nothing idea)

- There is a point of no return to the body/mind identification when the experience of enlightenment happens regurlarly or very strongly. it could be seen as a shower of Truth. No concepts can resist (ego neither!). There are no words for it. There are then no needs, no expectations, no emotions. It is stillness. 

- Presence is not in the middle of the past and the future. It has no story. The phenomenal world is like waves on the sea, the sea being the Truth. Whatever the movement it doesn t affect the sea itself. It has no importance. Let's wake-up! The world is not going so well .. or we are missing it?. Does ego can survive his own ignorance?

There are still some chances, egos are curious … for the Truth ? 












who is it that is giving this consensus ,enlightened beings or human identities?  you are not enlightened so my question is where did you get all that you wrote about enlightenment?

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