
Psychology Assessments

2 posts in this topic

Yesterday, we had a discussion about Myer-Briggs pesonality type indicators. As I was researching this further, I stumbled about a website, with all sorst of psychology quizzes:


There are assessments about self-improvement mentality, confidence, big picture vs. detail oriented Thinking, introversion vs. extroversion, leadership mentatlity, and open-mindedness. Though I think, that they are mostly meant for fun, because they don't seem very scientific, they may be valuable to you for doing some introspection. I plan to do these regularely to monitor my results.

Feel free to share your own assessments and thoughts.

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Good decision , Sir. I would recommend you research and find more of those topics because it seems some of them are pretty bad.

Im sure you know if you are an introvert or extrovert from you behavior , and you know your leader capabilities if you analyze how many times you were eager to be the leader of a group, investigation.

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