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@Raptorsin7  what makes you think that you are a narcissist. 

First you should make sure that you are a narcissist. 

How have you come to this conclusion. 

Can you elaborate and give examples. 


Side note :-

If you feel that you have behaved in ways that are similar to narcissists then you need therapy. But since therapy costs a lot in our so called modern world, you will need to work on yourself on your own. 

Read a ton of material on narcissistic behavior. 

Suggestions on how to avoid narcissistic tendencies 


? Narcissists have a deep need for power and control. When you have to react to a situation or deal with a person try being as polite as possible. Tell yourself that the other person is entitled to their way of life as much as you do. That you cannot control them. Narcissistic parents try to control their children to the maximum. Therefore whenever you have the urge to say something which means telling someone what they should or should not are early signs of narcissism. You should recognize and avoid it. 

You should let the person be who they want to be. Self criticism is the key. Narcissists are blind to their own behavior. They lack an inner voice that objects to their behavior. They are smug and self righteous. 

Therefore a lot of inner questioning is needed. You have to do self inquiry and become aware of your behavior around others. 

When you catch yourself being negative to someone you need to stop and doubt yourself rather than being self righteous. 

You need to ask yourself 

"am I being authoritative here. Is my behavior intolerant of that person's presence?" 

"who am I to tell this what to do" 

"am I unconsciously trying to control this person's destiny?  Am I able to let go when this person disagrees with me or am I seeing this person as a thorn that needs to be removed for my own ego's sake? 

Such questioning will help you to recognize your thought patterns and behaviors that are making you a narcissist. Once you recognize them as toxic you will be less likely to display them. 


? Narcissists are psychos. They make unusual rules and expect others to follow it. They get paranoid very easily. 

A simple example of this is where a boss is acting like a typical narcissist. 

Lets say there's a project that needs a minimum of 200 points from each employee for it to become a success. To reach these points every employee has to do certain tasks. 

He makes a rule that the employee should contribute a minimum of 200.points or else they will be fired. 

Now every employee is working hard to finish this requirement. 

One particular employee doesn't get along very well with the boss but is usually good at his work and always contributes 200 points. 

Certain times the boss gets triggered by the employee's cold responses. The employee does not praise him or act subservient to him. 

There are many employees that do not achieve the goal and contribute only 150 points. 

Now for the next month this employee contributes 198 points he is short of only 2 points for 200. Yet the boss seeks this opportunity to chastise the employee and treats him miserably and even decides to fire him 

This is a classic example of narcissism where the need to punish is very strong since the employee failed to please the boss or succumb to his domination. 

The boss wasn't being productive in is decision. He was using his control narrative thus causing more loss to himself by losing a potentially good employee because of his dumb narcissism.. He could have easily let go of a minor shortage of 2 points but he didn't. It wasn't a big deal. But he got paranoid about it. Yet he did not do anything to all those employees who were contributing much less. This is his narcissistic bias. Narcissists use their bias and hurt their own cause. This is their short sighted paranoid behavior caused by their need to carefully monitor or supervise even the minutest detail. Notice that they try to interfere where interference is not necessary. They blow things out of proportion. They make a huge deal just to make a statement. They can easily let go but they choose not to. In other words psycho behavior. 


Narcissists end up making stupid business decisions. They operate from their egoic paranoid psycho needs and fail to see the benefit in the bigger picture. 

When you are being psycho about every little thing. Catch yourself in this behavior and practice letting go.. 

Ask yourself 

"why am I being so concerned and paranoid when this is such a small thing. Does this look reasonable or logical. Can I let this go. Is this really a huge deal or im just making it up." 

? Narcissists see others as a threat. This is because of their deep insecurities. 

Nobody is being a real threat to a narcissist more than he or she is being to others. They operate from a scarcity survival mindset. Therefore any disagreement appears to be a threat controlling everything means there is no threat. This is where the need for extreme control comes from. 

When you get thoughts and anxious feelings about a person, learn to see them as independent entities rather than as a threat. Understand that if you feel they are a threat it is most likely your own paranoia causing making you feel that. 

Address and calm that paranoia. 

Let go of thought that someone is a threat. 

Desensitize yourself by engaging more with that person rather than jumping to such a conclusion. 

Over time you begin to realize that the other person is as much a human as you are and your thoughts of that person being a threat are invalid..



? Narcissists usually try to be punitive. They always find a way to punish a person usually for nothing. This is a sign of controlling behavior. 

You will need to do shadow work and learn to be sympathetic and forgiving another person instead of finding ways to punish them. 


? Narcissists waste a lot of time concerned about little things rather than the bigger picture. 

Use systems thinking and big picture thinking and let go of the need to control little things. 


?Narcissists project a lot. This means they suspect that a person is doing something that in reality they themselves are doing. 

An example of this is like this. 

 A man is in a relationship and he  often cheats on his girlfriend. 

Now when he sees his girlfriend being busy he raises a concern and assumes that she is cheating. This is an example of Projection. His girlfriend has done nothing for him  to come to this conclusion. Yet the narcissist is fully convinced that he is right on the mark.. It's purely his projection and it has no substance to it.. 

This projecting creates a toxic pattern where the other person is constantly having to defend themselves to the point of frustration. This way the Narcissist keeps the victim feeling constantly judged and terrorized. 

How to avoid this. 

If a thought comes to your mind that causes you to think that the other person is behaving in ways that don't suit your preference then learn to first see if it is just an assumption or if it has any validity to it








Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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I will have to do this for my survival


These two will destroy my survival. 




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Time to go underground and hide. 


Time to stop trusting 


Time to take urgent action 



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@Preety_India Wow thanks for the breakdown. Yea i am guilty of a lot of this behavior in the past. Especially in how i interact with my parents.

When i get in a relationship I will definitely have to be introspective early on to see how i'm behaving.


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I'm not going to do the events anymore. 

It's been too much. 

This was a crisis. 

But I will rise again to face it 

Also I'm going to reduce my interaction (sic) 

May God help me through this troubling times. 


Jesus help me. 



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 I think this event thing (you know what the F thing) it messes up with my mood a lot. 

Not good for my mental health. It suckers me into it. I feel victimized when I am not getting what I want. And then it leads to frustration. This is like mind control and I've become aware of how subtly it is controlling my mind for the very first time. 

The Pike caused all of it. Now I know better. Not to get messed.. 

For the first time it gave me a mortal anxiety as to how I'm going to proceed with it. 

It's not late still.. 

Good that I came to know that it controls my mind. 

I need a word for this. I will call it Farzilveg. 

So yea I'm going to let Farzilveg conto my mind anymore. 

If I don't do well, I will just tell myself it's completely okay. 

It's supposed to be fun and not stress. But I saw it is stressing me out. 


That's not a good idea. 

And it's doing the same to people on fb. 

They are all complaining the same things. It makes them for the keys to the place. And buy everything. Not fair.. 

It creates this general anxiety that you are falling behind others or others are doing better. This is a mind trick. 

Like the stock market controlling the mind. When it goes up it gives a elated feeling and when things aren't going well it creates frustration and anger. 

That's why Pauline is so frustrated all the time. Now I get it. She has been into the for years. 

Even Cindy is becoming like that. Also it makes you survival oriented and not really a helpful person.. It's definitely not a source of joy. 

What it did to me was cause me panic and intense frustration like I'm going to lose something. Then I felt unhappy. Not even happy about the achievements so far. 

It doesn't make you grateful. 

It only makes you think now what now what now what 


This is not healthy. 

Plus the whole consumerism with show off. Like buy this buy that.... This will make you happy. 

This is a new thing that will make you happy. Only to disappoint you later. 

What a stupid lame thing 

Also there are so many people complaining already. Multiple complains and no one cares to address them.. That sucks. 

When I got the panicky feeling because Nick stopped working I felt absurd. I couldn't focus on anything. My mind was consumed by it. 

I waited for hours to get Nick to get it right. This was a huge waste of time. 

Lot of panic and frustration. Is it worth it. Not at all 


That's when I realized that it was controlling me. 

And consumerism works when something is your favorite because you instill into people that they are missing out on something so that makes them depressed, they are already depressed by the way that's why they turn to it, now they are more depressed because they feel like they need something they don't have even when they actually don't need it and then it plays a mind game. 

People then lose money buying it. 

Once they realize how much effort they put into it then they see that the benefit is close to zero, thats when the frustration begins 


Anyone who gloats about it is a sucker who is a loser who basically got sucked into it. 


Note to myself - beware of the mind control. It's a permanent cycle of frustration that one should be aware of.. 

The support team does nothing they are evasive. What they do is try to diffuse the trigger. They know that they are critical errors in the system. Instead of addressing it openly and because it's a costly business fixing these deep errors all they do is try some temporary patch solutions to fix it. This does not actually solve the problem because a complete renovation and makeover will be needed but the company hates to do that because it will eat a lot of money 


So the company finds new ways to make money to make people pay for its new features.. So cringey. 

This has everyone frustrated beyond the limits 

They give stereotypical answers to all the consumers. 

Wow. I didn't realize it until now. 


Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Basically what should have been a fun enjoyable thing has become full of sadness and frustration. 

That's because the company's greed has ruined it. 

I can't believe this 

But thank God im now aware of how  this thing is messing up my mind 

I'm not going to pay for it.. I'm not stupid. I already paid enough. 

I will work with its basic process. 

I'm pretty sure that even in the future they will come with ways to change stuff and change the nature of it all so that they can continue to bank on it. Little do they realize that frustrated consumers will give up and stop paying lol 

There is a difference though. They know all too well that even if the consumers are frustrated they are very addicted to it. To the highs and lows it delivers. To the interest it generates to new features. To the constant feeling that it gives of being productive. 

Therefore they know that people who are not involved in it for 7 years are not going to give up on it especially if they have put so much money and effort into it. 

Now those who put effort for 7 years, they can't give up because their effort is at stake and those 

Who paid money like me, their money is at stake. So now everyone is somehow tied up to it 

Some people are here because their friends are here. So again they need to keep up with their friends so they have to be in it. 

Wow. Wow wow. What a trap. 

I have been in this only for a year. I'm surprised that people who are in it for 7 years do not realize this mind game. 

And they are so brainwashed that they don't care. They won't believe it. 

This is not only a money pit but also a pit of tremendous frustration and luring. Constant luring with the anticipation of rewards. 

Maybe I can reward myself on my own hahahaha.

Like deal with Nick twice today for some orange juice something like that. Hahahhaha 


I will have to be careful not to get manipulated and suckered further into this. 

I will do my own thing rather than go by the rule.. 

I will also not do the events. 

Those who think that they have succeeded at this are so crazy. They dont realize that it will take away everything from them their wellbeing their resources their money.

It gonna get worse with time 

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INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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When it gets worse with time, a time will come when it will need to be completely abandoned. 

It will be a complete shock to all those loyal people who have been involved wit it for 7 years like Pauline. 

And for people like me who put money into it. Now my money is tied. 

Telling myself - be prepared for it darling 



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The best strategy is to keep it static. No more changes to it. 

Earn valuable resources like gloves and seyds. 

And I was laughing so hard when Cindy said if there exciting new pins. Haha she gotta be kidding me 

No she is just another person who got suckered into it 

And she doesn't realize that. 

That's why it matters so much to her just like it matters to others. 

It's nothing but a money pit and a frustration pit. 

How to recover 

Stop putting more money into it

Don't change it anymore. Keep it static 

Don't engage in events 

Don't get lured by rewards 

Be careful not to get frustrated 

Vent out frustration on Farzilveg forum. 


Keep an eye on what other people say

Learn beforehand what the new rollout is going to be out. 

No more rollouts. There's no room for more rollouts and no energy to deal with them


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I am dreaming about a beautiful world where there are no boundaries and only freedom





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I have enough to deal with on my own plate to bother about any of that crap. 

So I'll pass it. 


At the moment I'm thinking about confidence and how important it is. 

I wrote these lines in my diary 

I'm a flower that cannot be crushed 

I'm th3 wind that cannot  be stopped 

I'm the ship that has set its course 

I'm the bird whose wings are free 

I'm the building that will never fall. 


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I am so tired of everything and I want to give up. 

Yesterday my ex called and begged for me to talk to him

I wasn't having it. 

Sometimes it's just too much. 

I had to block him. 

What in the world makes people think that they can have their way with someone. 

Lesson learned... 

Never ever be with a controlling person.. They always cause damage and a lot of it. 

Just fed up with such people 

Like why can't they just shut the hell and mind their own businesses. 

Goddamn weird. 

The need to control someone makes a person lowest of the low. 



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The wheels of karma are always turning.  Always. 

Those who make others suffer won't have it good themselves. 

Be fair to others if you want yourself to be treated fairly. This is the ultimate lesson of life. 

So often we cross these boundaries and tend to give into the absurdity of the ego and its need for power 


You don't need enlightenment to know this basic truth that everyone is born free and you can't rule someone's life 

You can't expect to treat someone awful but not have to deal with the consequences of it. 

Edited by Preety_India

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Forgiving is only productive when that person understands. 



Forgiving that leads to distress is no forgiving 


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So I was suicidal again on December 22 and it was really bad. I was sitting outside in the cold contemplating stuff. 


But I have improved over the week. Much better today. 

Mood uplifting. 

Felt a lot of despair and hopelessness. 

But feeling like the new year is going to bring some good news for me. 

Maybe finally I will have what I always wanted. 


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This thing

These stories are so inspiring.. Stories of hope. Stories of strong women who try to make something out of their lives. Meanwhile some form of violence snatches their life away. But their families, their moms, their parents, sisters, friends always were by their side to support them through the way.. 

They were loved.. They were strong. They were struggling through life and yet making it through. 












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The one thing that I learned from these stories is resilience. 


I want to use a different term for it.. 

Because I have observed some of these strong women. And what I noticed in them is that they are not exhausting their energies right away. They keep up the struggle. They accept the nature of challenges. They are ready for it.. 

They are ready to embody tougher things because they aren't broken within. 

Once you overcome the survival stage of life and have the love and support of people around you then your next focus in on bigger things in life. 

You don't want to have a narrow focus. 

You have a higher goal.. 

These goals can be anything ranging from 

Financial independence 

Fruitful relationships 

Great health and fitness 

Wealth building 


Community building 

Environment care 

System focus 


Mental health 

Travel, learning and adventure 

Learning new skills other than survival skills 

Self esteem and ego needs 

Social status 




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Characteristics of strong people 


They look beyond the current situation

They make things happen 

They have reserve stamina.. That means they are not going to stop just at something they will continue working harder. They aren't complacent. 

They have a strong will

They are motivated 

They love and support each other 

They care for each other 

They talk with abundance 

Their spirit is generous 

They allow growth of themselves and others. 


They aren't weak

They don't just give up


They keep calm and rational. 

They don't easily give into fear psychosis of survival. 

They are able to take a lot of stress 


They dont get tensed easily 


They need stimulation 


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They aren't careless 

They are sometimes penny pinchers because they realize the value of money 

They can sometimes boast which can be a bit nasty 


They like to achieve things. High achievers. 





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They do not neglect themselves 



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