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Maximum Poetry!

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Poetry is very close to the core of the persian language and it's culture. This insight hit me when I looked from this lens:

Everything that is, existance, is there to create maximum poetry and creativity. All beings and creation is a work of absolute art. 

All duality is art, poetic.

All forms, all beings, all levels of consciousness and formlessness is absolutely poetic.

If you were an infinite and unlimited being, you would EXACTLY create this moment right now, to the finest detail in infinite forms and resolution.

This identity you have lives the exact life there needs to be for absolute poetry. The aboslute work of art.

A few weeks later, I saw the movie "The House that Jack Built" and "The AntiChrist" from the mad genius, Lars von Treir. So disturbing yet absolutely artistic. These movies reinforced this insight in me.

No matter how aweful or awesome life can be, it is absolutely beautiful and necessary for Maximum Poetry!

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