
What are some good questions for digging deeper during contemplation?

2 posts in this topic

       A list I have so far

  • What is the relationship between __ and __?
  • What are the ramifications?
  • What is its substance?
  • How did it come into being? (What allows it to exist at all?)
  • Why is it important?
  • What are the traps?
  • How does it interconnect with other things?
Edited by DMM710

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@DMM710 ?? Please forgive any voice to text errors.

What am I? What is reality? Is there a God? If there is, what is it? Where is it? When is it? Why is it? If there’s not, why not? Why is there an earth and an atmosphere and outer space in the first place? Why can science only to do it up to the big bang but not the moment of it and beyond? Why can’t I forget on purpose? Why can’t I materialize physical objects out of thin air? Why is there this apparent need to sleep at night? Where was I before I was here? Why don’t I remember being created? How come every single thing I do creates change? How come that is inescapable? What is there which is outside of my thinking, my perception, my sensation? Why can’t I find any actual lines or divisions between these? What is the difference between life and death? Why has no scientist or physicist ever actually found matter? Why has no therapist, psychologist, or psycho analyst ever found an actual mind? How is it that I walk and talk and move things with out having to orchestrate it? How come when I choose to orchestrate it, I can? What does it mean to create? Can I know what that means, without creating the very concepts which define creation? Is creation inescapable, if so why? Is there nonexistence? If not why is existence inescapable? What does this mean about the duality of life and death? Of me and other? What is love? What is heat? What is the same about these, what is different? What is the same about these which is not my thoughts, perception, sensation? What is the difference between these which is not simply my own thinking, my perspectives, and how do these affect my perception, my sensations? What is love really? How is it so abundant, ever present? What is its nature, that it can be known at any given moment in the blink of an eye? Where was it before I felt it? Where does it go when it appears not to be present? Why am I here even when I go “there”? Why does it seem like I am moving? Yet at the same time I’m always here? Why are some people selfish, and other people generous? Why do some people fear, while other people do not? What is it, exactly precisely specifically that I am really actually afraid of? What is that, when is that, where is that, when exactly do I believe I will encounter it? Will that be here, will that be there? Will that be now? Will that actually be in a past? Will that actually be in the future? How do I actually know I have not already encountered this? How do I actually know that I ever will? Do I even know what it is? Would I recognize it in my thinking, my perception, my sensation? If it is outside of those, how would I ever even know it? 

When all of my ignorance is gone, will I know it? What do I know that is beyond knowledge? Is knowing the same as knowledge? If not what is the difference? If it is the same, what is it with the knows knowledge?

What do I actually want in this life? What will it take to create it? Whatever it takes, is that something I need to find? Where do I think I will find it? 

do I have free will? What is free will? Am I not already moving and choosing freely? What could free will be, if it is outside of my thinking, perception, and sensation? Have I ever known anything to be outside of these? Is that I would or could ever know anything outside of these, it’s self a thought?

what exactly, specifically, precisely, is matter? Who would get to define it? How would I even know their definition, short of my thinking, perception, and sensation? Why has no human ever found matter? Why is science concerned with matter, the cosmos, etc.? as we have not yet found there to be intelligent life beyond that of a human, why aren’t all humans focused solely on the quality of life of humans? Just in general, what in the absolute fuck is going on here, right now, in this moment? Seriously what the fuck is this? why do I feel afraid to know? Why do I assume anything would change? Why have I assumed there is “badness“? Was it ever anything beyond what another human exemplified? How aware am I in the example I am setting? 

What is a belief? What would happen if I stopped believing, in beliefs?

what is man? What is a man, a woman, a person? How do I personally define that?



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