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Mel B


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Trip Report


Yesterday I took 40 mg of 4 ACO DMT. I took it orally. As a side note, I enjoy the weirdness and sometimes mindfuck this substance can give me. The come up was really intense and I had just to lay flat on the floor, but once I got adjusted to the substance It's really beautiful to contemplate on it.


Here are a couple of ideas that I tried to put into the English language, which feels hard sometimes because language can be limiting.


How can we have an unbiased view? Since all our beliefs opinions are invented and created by us. So are we just hallucinating reality? It seems that way. Our body and what we currently identify with tries to keep us alive. So then we create an illusion, to keep our limited self alive. And what is this limited self, a highly complex machine that has a job and its job is to give us a sense of self so we can identify with that and stay alive and survive as a construct.


In the experience, I became aware of how consciousness/energy is trapped in the brain. And the brain then directs this energy in loops and thought patterns. Those patterns are what I would call in my normal state of consciousness as myself. I am just and Idea a relative concept that is created to give me this limited localized experience as me. 


Like light shines through a diamond and gets split in different rays of light, the same way consciousness is the light that lights up the brain and creates the illusion of different colors, sounds, emotions, perceptions, etc. And lets the one source of everything experience itself as everything.

Ego is the point of reference, how can we experience a separate reality if there is not a pattern or a reference point. Plus what is the point of a separate reality? A complex game of hiding and seeking. Like creating a video game and then experience the created world from the view of a certain character.


Plus one major thing that psychedelics keep teaching me, is to be more authentic and less trapped in my Ideas of myself and in past experiences. And psychedelics give just such a beautiful glimpse of what it means to love yourself and the world, and how pure acceptance feels like.


Thank you for reading my report

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Thanks for sharing your experience. Were there any visuals? At what point did you develop insights during the trip? How long was the process? 

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51 minutes ago, Mel B said:

consciousness/energy is trapped in the brain

The brain itself is a trap within consciousness.

Be very careful with this idea that "the brain" anchors reality. This is the crucial knot that must be cut. Throw your brain out the window.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura  That would make sense that the brain is imagined inside of consciousness. But what creates physical reality and what allows us to experience physical reality as a separate being?


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@Tanz Yeah 4 ACO DMT has in my experience strong visuals that last throughout the whole trip.

-Insights come mostly after 1 hour after taking the substance. But they mostly come when I have settled into the experience after the come up.

-Tripping with 4 ACO lasts mostly 5 hours for me, but I get tired after the Trip in contrast to LSD where you feel energized for a while after.

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@Mel B The mind is non localized. The brain and the spine can be considered antennas or manifestations of the mind or consciousness. 

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20 minutes ago, Mel B said:

@Leo Gura  That would make sense that the brain is imagined inside of consciousness. But what creates physical reality and what allows us to experience physical reality as a separate being?


Infinity.  Lack of limitation.  You are inifnity.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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