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The Case Against Reality: Conscious Agent Theory: Prof. Donal Hoffman

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I was surprised at all the parallels with non-dual teachings.  

"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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From my understanding, his theory is saying that there is an objective reality, but that it's not the one we perceive.  What we perceive is like a user-interface, and the actual reality is the hardware behind it.  Though, it's not solipsism since he believes there are "conscious agents" in the true reality behind what we see.  He talks about how we, within the "matrix" (they use the video game Grand Theft Auto as an example), have become effective at manipulating the contents of the game, but we have no idea about what the contents are.  He goes on to claim that those who focus on manipulating the contents will do far better in survival than those who focus on the truth of what the contents actually are.  

It seems to me that he's saying consciousness is the basis for everything.  Though, he might be alternatively saying that it's only the basis for "conscious agents".  This second point, which I don't feel is what he's saying but I'm going to assume it here, raises the question then of what is the reality which "houses" the conscious agents.  This then falls right into the "earth on top of a giant tortoise which is on top of four elephants ad infinitum" issue.  It would also seem to me to still be putting materialism (or something unknown) as the basis of reality, though at a second-hand level. 

His idea is that he's created the first mathematical theorem for God.  That it's likely wrong.  But that it at least lays down something practical for science to pick up and work on.



"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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