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How do i balance?

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Hi everyone, 

I often spend lots of time reading self-help books and self-help videos, but I don't spend too much time actually taking what's taught and applying it to my own life. Can you give me any advice or recommend a book or video for me to watch regarding this issue? I want to find a good balance between learning and actually applying. 

Thanks :) 

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Notice that in asking for advice you're actually still in the theoretical territory. The action that you took in posting your question, however, is the practice. Notice that the action came from a deeper source which is your emotions and authentic self. Follow that deeper source and you will get where you need to be. After all, the theory might be the path for you to walk and discover. Ask yourself: what do I really want? And then follow your heart.

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No one can do that for you really. You have to be the authority figure on how you apply it as none of us know your life like you do. You have the job of being a responsible and careful figure who figures out where you and other individuals in your life stand and carefully determining how to proceed with developing your relationship with them and yourself. Hopefully one that allows for both their growth and your own. Take small steps and keep pushing yourself to make little differences. For what you learn from books, videos, meditation, contemplation along the way. You will only use such a small percentage in practical matters. Surely you don't intend on bombarding everyone you know with everything you have learned.   So be patient and start experimenting with change.  

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I think that every idea or belief should be tested through practice to avoid being manipulated.

I have an opinion on everything :D

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that's a normal process for everyone in the path of self-improvement, just absorb information and let your subconscious mind absorb and give it time to analyze and sort out all of those information. after a while, do take a look at your life and see which part is unimproved and take that part and work on that based upon your prior information.  

"If you kick me when I'm down, you better pray I don't get up"

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