
Information Overload?

4 posts in this topic

Is there a point to where we have all the information we need to Awaken? I mean I have personally watched hundreds of hours of videos and have read countless books and for the most part they all refer to the same thing, just in different ways? I guess what I'm asking is once we know the "truth", is there anything else we need, other than to personally accept it?


Edited by Meave

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Yes, sit yo ass down and now actually begin the work. Congrats on completing step #1 out of 10,000 ;)

You don't know the truth. You have a bunch of stories about enlightenment, which one day you will come to shockingly realize are mostly BS.

Still... a high quality video or book once in a while on this journey can be critical. You just gotta be very careful about not using information as a distraction from the work itself.

And don't forget, there's much more to this than merely Awakening. Practical knowledge is still... well... practical! And what you probably really want even more than Awakening is life-mastery.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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The information is only the hand pointing to the moon. And you can study every single inch of the hand to the tiniest detail, you still have to look where the hand actually is pointing to.

The only way to do this is to observe your own reality very critically and carefully, you have to find out what is true. And it can be tricky, because you are looking at a certain lens since early childhood. You take things as truth without thinking twice about it. Yes, you do have to sit down and look again. It's kind of like reverse engineering your own reality to the point you get to the ultimate truth. And this is not purely a rational process since there comes a point you also have to question rationality itself.

RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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of all the words, the most important ones....... "sit yo ass down".... shut up should be in there too

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