
What is helping others to ascend about?

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I watched your video on death, and I totally get it. I too have died though I'm still coming to an understanding, even an appreciation for what took place. Here's the thing, you said that we should help others to evolve (if you will). Some say ascend. Facebook is loaded with so-called lightworkers, empaths, wizards and fairy's, a.k.a narcissists and energy sucking vampires (if you ask me) who wish to help others to ascend into 5D. (And again, to me they seem like children playing make believe) So why, and because this all sounds like ego to me, are we involved with the natural order of things by helping others to wake up? There's no death/life, no reward, no pearly gates or mansions in the sky, (I'm not being facetious) so I ask why? Because it seems to be the difference between a human being and a human doing...

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I think it is  important to spread Spiritual teachings. I say this because my spiritual journey started with a spirituality book which was just lying in my room. One day I decided to read it and so began my spiritual journey. Similarly , people in forums, facebook groups can also introduce ideas that are unknown but  useful to people. So yes, I think it is important to spread  these ideas and actively  help people unless they don't want any.

"Whatever you do or dream you can begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. "   - Goethe
My Blog- Writing for Therapy

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I have not seen the video yet, but I do recall @Leo Gura mentioning this concept several times. I am also curious what his response to that would be. 

I guess in a way you could consider your decision to help or not help people as "the natural order of things." One could make the decision to do so for a variety of reasons. 

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14 hours ago, Eugenio said:

There's no death/life, no reward, no pearly gates or mansions in the sky, (I'm not being facetious) so I ask why?

Outflow of love.

The more conscious one becomes, the more one's life becomes about spreading love to others.

At the highest level, God creates selflessly for the benefit of all living beings, needing nothing for itself. There is no greater joy or purpose than this. Nothing else is worthwhile for an advanced intellect.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

Outflow of love.

The more conscious one becomes, the more one's life becomes about spreading love to others.

At the highest level, God creates selflessly for the benefit of all living beings, needing nothing for itself. There is no greater joy or purpose than this. Nothing else is worthwhile for an advanced intellect.

This just created an interesting realization in my mind.

In a sense God/Me couldn't be selfless because that would imply something exists outside of Me in order to be selfless to. (duality)

In fact everything seems more like self-love or selfishness but that couldn't be right either because there's nothing else other than Me lol.

Wait it just clicked... all there is is LOVE... Aha Oneness understands it now. ❤



Edited by VeganAwake

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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"Compassion. It's of the heart". This answer came to me as the day was unfolding today. "Your question was of the mind, the ego. In your heart you will do everything possible to assist another". These are the words spoken to me today. Not through my mind but in my heart. I ask hard questions. I have to. It's just the way of getting to the answers. I read Leo's response to this post and I quote, "At the highest level, God creates selflessly for the benefit of all living beings, needing nothing for itself". I'm still learning. More like leaning but it's difficult to use the G word right now except as an acronym, "good orderly direction". Thanks for the feedback and for creating this site...

Edited by Eugenio
Had to remove a word "what"

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I'm glad you found your answer ❤

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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Because we egotistically without realizing it still want to feel special and get attention and recognition for something we've accomplished and so we take on a new mask and call it Guru or whatever type of teacher you may be familiar with.

Awakening and understanding comes from within and through you doing the work and so because we all have to do the work for are self and the work is within us this means that if someone is protecting "how to" or "this is the only way" type of information towards people they are only helping to hinder others despite the sales pitch that it's for their benefit.

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A good teacher knows there are many paths to accomplishment.

For example of Guru might say the same thing a thousand different ways because they understand that not one way of doing something works for everyone( Different Strokes for different folks). But someone who doesn't understand could say this guy's really inconsistent and has no clue what he's doing.

It could also be looked at as selfish if someone has an answer that could help someone else and doesn't share it with them.

Sometimes it's a win-win, a teacher helps somebody and feels good about it. That's human nature doing its thing(aka god or love).

Sometimes Outsiders put people up on pedestals as well while the whole time the guru remains unattached and unmoved with the results of his outcomes and teachings. He can calmly sit there in the neutral zone and help people all day long without creating an egotistical attachment or identity to the outcome of his teachings. ❤

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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Another thought came to me this morning. "I am you, and you are me". I'm considering the concept of projection. eg: I know guys, struggling with hard addictions to drugs and alcohol. Right now they are falling off the wagon fast. I'm thinking, "how can I help them"? It is said, "we can only keep what we have by giving it away". And then another thought, "why do I want to help them? Why not just observe? Is helping really helping? The first requirement is that we had to stop playing God. It doesn't work..." This last one comes out of the Bigbook of AA. If I observe them, and fairly see myself in them then maybe I can find the solution to why I'm always struggling and falling off. Isn't it fair to say that the Universe is actually showing me something? Won't my reaction to what I see count as cause and effect? Now I may be rambling but rambling is what I do in the search for... "what I probably already know and am not quite ready to accept". Duh!

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This whole conversation made me realize how important and Powerful Love Actually is

Problems are just mind created fictitious beliefs. There's really no actual problems it's just our belief that something is a problem.

When you try to help somebody you're really just saying I love you. True Nature

That's why when someone using true love and compassion is trying to assist you... the problem seems to just disappear because the real answer was love all along. That's really all we were looking for.

You can spot this quickly during the process of helping someone with love and compassion.

Quick story: 

I was helping this lady whose car ran out of gas and was stranded with her young child. By the time I filled up her car with my gas can she forgotten there was even a problem to begin with.. she was just utterly shocked somebody would go that much out of their way to help her. I could see love was just overwhelming her consciousness. By the time I gave her directions to the nearest gas station to top off her gas tank she was floating on air and in heaven..

Now that's true heaven on Earth ❤

The kingdom of God is within!!

From the gospels of Thomas:

Do not say it is here or there The Kingdom of heaven is spread out amongst the Earth and men do not see.



Edited by VeganAwake

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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@erik8lrl ❤ dido

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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Is this what they mean when they talk about self love? "I love you"! Wow! I get it. ❤??????

Edited by Eugenio
Added a question mark

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I can feel my heart getting full...

A story about yesterday. It's my first week on a new job. I'm in a training program with Goodwill. It's part of my Recovery. One of the employees seemed to want to tell me what to do. Every time I turned around he was giving me new instructions. We earn minimum wage and I'm not that happy to be so humble ? but I really don't want "some crackhead who hasn't run anything since the t.v. in prison..." Man what attitude.  Not wanting to allow resentment to rule my life I began a positive dialogue with myself. "This guy is only trying to help". Yeah, this is realistic. "Resentment is the number one offender". Now we're getting somewhere. My emotions began to calm down. And then it dawned on me what they meant when they said, "it's not what's outside of you... life's situations that bothers you. It's what you tell yourself about these things that is causing all of this stress". Cognitive Behavioral Therapy 101 Situation-Thoughts-Emotions-Reaction. Today I am Grateful to be in this discussion with you all. ?

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2 hours ago, Eugenio said:

I can feel my heart getting full...

A story about yesterday. It's my first week on a new job. I'm in a training program with Goodwill. It's part of my Recovery. One of the employees seemed to want to tell me what to do. Every time I turned around he was giving me new instructions. We earn minimum wage and I'm not that happy to be so humble ? but I really don't want "some crackhead who hasn't run anything since the t.v. in prison..." Man what attitude.  Not wanting to allow resentment to rule my life I began a positive dialogue with myself. "This guy is only trying to help". Yeah, this is realistic. "Resentment is the number one offender". Now we're getting somewhere. My emotions began to calm down. And then it dawned on me what they meant when they said, "it's not what's outside of you... life's situations that bothers you. It's what you tell yourself about these things that is causing all of this stress". Cognitive Behavioral Therapy 101 Situation-Thoughts-Emotions-Reaction. Today I am Grateful to be in this discussion with you all. ?

Hi, ❤ Goodwill such a neat job opportunity...

I work with a lot of people in the military so I understand exactly what you're talking about.

Leo has a video that discusses how Awareness alone is Curative and it rings true in so many ways.

If we could walk a mile in these people's shoes it would click instantly why they behave the way they do. And similarly if we understood how the mechanics of our own minds work we would instantly have access to why our reactions are the way they are to these situations.

I've learned reacting from a place of LOVE and not from EGO is so life changing in these situations. People's higher self can sense when you have true love and compassion for them and they can't help but melt into the love them self. They can resist for a while but love/god/you conquers all.

Knowledge patience understanding awareness love God Perspective. ❤

It's all Oneness it's all one love...Its THIS and THIS is GOD aka YOU!!

This is Enlightenment and it's so beautiful ❤

It sounds like you are on the right path...truth and acceptance are golden keys...?

Edited by VeganAwake

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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