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Samuel Garcia

Think Nothing But Keep Wondering

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 I always wander too much during work and it is holding me back as I lose lots of productivity. I have trying to do the original mediation of thinking nothing that Leo posted. But I still keep wondering unconsciously so much for about 20 mins for the 25 mins mediation.


How can I stop daydreaming so much? I have been meditating for a few months. 

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Do.. "Ahnapana" meditation. Just breathing in and out.

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If the goal is to not think, or to not daydream. Guess what's going to happen, you are going to constantly think about not thinking. It's the dog chasing its own tail. By just trying to silence thought you are trying to treat a gunshot wound with a band aid, even it helps stops the bleeding for a moment, you are eventually still going to bleed out.

You have to ask yourself critically, while at home. Why do these thoughts and daydreams get priority in my field of consciousness over my work? There's an underlying reason/belief you are not giving your full attention to your work. That's up to you to find out. 

RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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