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Principium Nexus

Rethinking the value of Zero

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From the one arise the many,

If you contemplate long enough you will see that there is no such thing as true nothingness. Absence is the fullness of infinity showing a domain that inherently has a specific value which is differentiable from whatever is being observed as separate.

So we grow up with this simple system of counting objects or concepts that are perceived as absolute entities and when we say something has a value of 0 it means nothing is existing there.

The idea that 0 is the non-existence of things is what I want to address. If we see through contemplation that nothingness does not exist then viewing 0 as a complete wholeness of infinity would be a better reflection of what the symbol means.

Zero / 0 is the complete oneness of infinity. When I think of this I really feel more connected and simple counting consequently also gets a new meaning.

Instead of viewing 0 as an empty set, 0 is now infinity and the fullest set of them all. Then when you count any natural number you are separating 0 (unity/oneness) into fragmented sub-sets from the super-set infinity. If you count 2 apples, this basically means you subtract infinity's presence with the two conceptual labels you put onto these two apple entities and create a relativistic notion of separation.

I think it's a simple idea but has profound implications of how we view the world of things.

Desire to have zero things is to feel free in infinity as everything is already fully present.

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@Principium Nexus If you like that, you'll love some of the books about infinity in my book list.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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