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Speaking the Truth

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I see that what I am is awareness. I am not identified with thoughts and feelings. I keep a distance to them and observe without judging them.  (edit: Well I see I am judging them when I claim they are not true..) 

Now the "preblem" is: When it comes to acting and communicating, it is hard to speak the truth. If I would only speak when I feel sure about to speak the truth, I wouldn't speak at all. So it comes that the first partly-good-feeling thought that arises gets spoken out loud, leaving a feeling of dissatisfaction. 

I know the mind needs to realign to my understanding. Thought-patterns need to be reorganized. This happens in the unconscious mind, and this process takes place in a dimension where time is a thing.

What does the mind need to understand in order to speed this process up? 

Is becoming conscious of the nature and the facets of consciousness, what will help speaking intuitively what is the truth? 

I know my path will at some point dissolve this "problem", but, what do you suggest how to act, while knowingly not being able to speak my truth?

Edited by Bluff

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Speaking The Truth = speaking from The Heart 

Don't think about it. Feel it. Express it. Don't expect it to look like anything. Just let the heart do the talking. 

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5 hours ago, Bluff said:

I see that what I am is awareness.

This isn't the truth.

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@Lento You have no idea

5 hours ago, ivankiss said:

Speaking The Truth = speaking from The Heart

Yes, you're right. Gotta keep myself centered

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3 hours ago, Bluff said:

You have no idea

You're almost right, but if I may make a little adjustment:

I have no 'fixed' idea

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