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Is it consciousness really the only source of Healing and arriving to the Truth?

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This might be a retoric question, because I "think" it´s the only one. But hear me out coming from a yet spritual newbie:

So I am experimenting something interesting this last months I´ve really trying to heal myself in areas like relationships, confidence, my self-love (or lack of)...etc.

I have seen that I what I did saw some years ago as clear diferentitations between reality:

-What you can see/experience in Meditation

--What you can see/experience with Psychedelics

-What you can see/experience in Therapy (Psychology approach)


Were obvious clear to me. Specially since I did study 1 first year of Psychology Degree. After discovering meditation and did a couple of trips on acid I thought Psychology while being useful on some sense, it was "materialistic" approach and my recent worldview in altered states of consciousness made me very much skeptick in what therapy would do to me.

However, I am discovering it all just might be interconnected. I am working on and off in the three approaches and It seems like with more Healing I do, there comes unevocally, a change in self. Like literally I´m starting to observe that I can´t do healing in any of my personality unless there´s this activity of a somebody being Consciouss letting go of beliefs. And where you actually let go of the belief or either you clearly see its not true then Healing gets done.

This days It doesn´t matter where my "change" is coming from, it seems it comes from only one direction:  it seems everything has to be related to my beliefs, the more consciouss, the less beliefs. The less beliefs, the more healing I am experiencing.

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@Javfly33 It's not as simplistic as just changing or removing beliefs. Of course beliefs play an important role, but there are many other factors.

Other factors might include but are not limited to:

  • Your state of consciousness
  • New experiences
  • Making new distinctions
  • Diet, exercise, physical body, vitamins, hormonal imbalances
  • New knowledge, insights, & understanding
  • Changing how you interpret things

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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