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Good resources on Gluten?

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I have cut out Gluten a few days ago and the difference in energy, ability to focus, sleep quality and so forth is just staggering. I was struggling with concentration a lot the past few months. I also woke up really dehydrated and feeling terribly each morning, which already seems to be getting much better.

I have only noticed this because I was already avoiding wheat products, but the past two weeks I was eating a lot of bread and pasta and my concentration went really down the drain so that I decided to try and cut it out completely. I haven't felt this good in months, only now I realize how bad I have felt.  I was utterly emotionless and unmotivated in comparison to how I feel now. The times I felt better in the past I never correlated to Gluten but rather thought I have nutritional deficiencies due to my vegan diet.


However I never had any digestive problems and from what I read most gluten insensitivities or celiac disease comes with these kinds of symptoms. I have been doing some research on gluten and it seems like it can hinder vitamin and mineral absorption and therefore cause disruption in hormonal production. From what I have gathered so far the research is rather limited especially on Gluten-sensitivities.


Does anyone here have some comprehensive and reliable sources on this topic in general? I never thought Gluten could have such an impact and I suspect that I have developed a sensitivity in the past few years. It is kind of scary to think that I could have continued to struggle not realizing it was Gluten all along.

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I also do not eat gluten. I did not really researched to be honest, I just listened to my body:

While eating gluten, my legs felt very heavy. Stopped eating gluten, my legs feel whole lot better. 

Same thing happened to Novak Djokovic, there is a video of him talking about this on YouTube.

So I think, it is a great decision to cut out gluten from your nutrition plan. There are so many alternatives, why to eat that?

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Coeliac UK has some good information. I know you said this is not your case but they have lots of tips and recipes as well as educational materials. 

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