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Is death a distinct point or a scale?

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Is it a clear transition? From oke I am alive to no longer being there?

trying to figure out whether I have died before or not lol.

It just seems to go deeper and deeper for me. Theres never been a point where I fully wasnt there anymore I think.

Would I even know? Who than knows?

Are there depths of dying? 


man I just cant stop thinking can I? 

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No point or scale. ‘Makes sense’ isn’t logical, so let ‘thoughts about’ go. Perception doesn’t ‘make sense’, so let that go too. That leaves awareness, consciousness, peace, love, knowing, being (no ‘who’). What you’re asking about is already the case (add thoughts, perception, & sensation to forget again, to double down, add the belief objects are perceived). 



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@Identity We can create frameworks in which identity death is a process. We can create frameworks in which death is an "all or nothing" point. Each framework has relative value. Yet to become attached to death as being one or the other is to become attached to a duality. This can have practical value, yet can also be transcended. 

In your experience death seems to be like a series of deepening layers. For sure. We could say that an early stage of death is the death of attachment/identification to the "person". The next stage of death is the death of attachment/identification of being a "human". The next stage may be the death of attachment/identification of being a "biological organism". The next stage is the death of attachment/identification to being alive. . . This construct can have relative value at the human level. . . We could also create a construct in which there are different degrees within each stage. For example, during the death of the "person", we could create five stages involved in death of the "personality construct". This can have relative value as well.

Yet at the end of the day, these are all constructions of the mind. All thought stories. There is transcendence of it all. ALL of it. A return to Nothing and Everything. "Prior" to all the construction and thought stories. We could call this full transcendence a "point". This construct also has relative value and can also be transcended. 

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