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Dream Incubation: Emotional Healing

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Just released a new video- Guided Dream Incubation: Emotional Healing.


From Wikipedia: Dream incubation is a practiced technique of learning to "plant a seed" in the mind, in order for a specific dream topic to occur, either for recreation or to attempt to solve a problem. For example, a person might go to bed repeating to themselves that they will dream about a presentation they have coming up, or a vacation they recently took. While somewhat similar to lucid dreaming, dream incubation is simply focusing attention on a specific issue when going to sleep.

In this video, we will plant the seed of having a dream which brings you emotional healing. Please listen to the entire video at least once to sufficiently plant the seed. Then, it will be up to you to nurture and water this seed, by repeating the last exercise of the video as often as it takes until the dream is achieved. I recommend using the guided relaxation at the beginning of the video before moving on to the exercise, as it will greatly increase your chances to put yourself into a suggestive state, first. During the day, you may use the main exercise as affirmations, and a chance to form a powerful phrase to use as your mantra.

Please follow the instructions provided within the video, and enjoy!

~Sweet dreams~




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