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Functioning with higher perception

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Hey guys,

I'm wondering if anyone has any experience or insight into operating whilst in higher states of consciousness. Has there been any problems or setbacks?

Here is a quote from 3 kinds of yogis by Sadhguru

"The second category or stage of the yogi is called madhyama, which means medium. For him, the inner dimension and what is beyond is in constantly in perception, but he cannot manage what is here, the physical dimension. There have been various yogis who are worshipped even today, but they were absolutely incapable of anything in their life."

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18 minutes ago, Red-White-Light said:


"The second category or stage of the yogi is called madhyama, which means medium. For him, the inner dimension and what is beyond is in constantly in perception, but he cannot manage what is here, the physical dimension. There have been various yogis who are worshipped even today, but they were absolutely incapable of anything in their life."

That's right! Because in a state of Being or formlessness - aka non-dual state -  one is completely detached from their identity as the ego.   They are literally dead at this point!  (Relative to the small self they once identified with)   But they are now united with the Godhead - their true self.   You can't function as a human in this state.   

That third state that is mentioned is being conscious that form is still formlessness and having non-dual awareness.  But it is still living in form.  To be completely formless or infinity in its purest state is to be dead as a finite being.   If you are fully awake and still wish to enjoy the beauty of form then you would come full circle to the third state.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@Red-White-Light  i suppose it's possible? And then that would be it for them as a human.  Since a non-dual state is pure bliss and Love i don't think they would mind.  Because there would be no "they" anymore.  They would be Infinite.  Their "physical" body would eventuality expire.

I know when i have come back from non-dual states that i have had several days where just functioning and going to work was a struggle.   It felt like insanity.   I drifted between states for several days and then suffered backlash.  So it's coming back to human form (duality) after that can be hard.   Consciousness levels stay elevated for a while.   I have heard people talking about the potential for psychosis but it's never been a problem for me.  

This would fall under the dangers of spiritual work .  



Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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There are levels, shall I say, frequencies that I can reach but cannot embody fully and function on properly in my day-to-day life. It's just too much for my body. Gotta respect its process. Let the nervous system adjust at its own pace. 

So I choose to operate from a slightly lower vibrational "place". It's the frequency of peace and love. That is my baseline.

Your body will always let you know how much can it handle. It all comes down to how clear of a vessel/conduit it is.

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