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How To Become Brave

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My father will call me , start taunting me and scold me, Sometimes i can tolerate and I become mindful, but sometimes I lose all my control and burst into tears, even if he is not around, i get phobia of getting insulted and then my defence mechanism start , I need help, I want to be fearless and no matter what is gonna happen, I wanna be fine with me please some one help me, right now i am little bit in urgency mood,( is it related with PMS) i m not sure?? but i have really bad PMS every month 

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@jes Do the 'grey rock' move I was telling you about. Next time he calls and starts rambling blah blah blah (it's all lies anyways), listen to him for 2 mins and then say nonchalantly, "You are right. Sorry, dad, but I got to run now... busy schedule today" and hang up on him. Don't wait for him to ask you questions or keep yelling at you, just hang up. Those 'you are right' words are very powerful against a narc, because the whole reason they say and do what they say/ do is to get a negative reaction out of you, and by seemingly agreeing with him you don't give them that satisfaction/ supply he needs to feed on. Do this technique a few times and watch his rage start to diminish toward you. Hugs

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@Natasha thanks , Yes today i will do it , I will let you know , Hey give me tips for PMS, right now, I am in bad mood Lots of love natasha @piotr thanks


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@jes PMS side-affects are primarily caused by hormonal dis-balance in your monthly cycle. So the key is to keep it balanced. Maca root and DIM supplements (natural herbs) are great for that. They balance estrogen, keep your mood even, and boost energy. I take DIM-D by Pure Essence Labs - a supplement that contains DIM with Vit D, Calcium D-Glucarate (helps flush excess estrogen), Green Tea and Lycopene. I buy mine online from Vitacost, a monthly supply of 30 capsules for $20. 

Also, make sure not to expose yourself to toxic chemicals in your environment - heated plastic bottles and tupperware, household chemicals, car exhaust fumes, etc. They all contain bad estrogens that contribute to hormonal dis-balance and mood swings in both women and men. Also, if you consume meat, eggs, cheese, dairy, choose only those that come from hormone-free (preferably organic) animals. 

Here's a good article about bad estrogens:  

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Try grounding visualization...You start calling the earths energy and makes you stronger.



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@jes Start meditating 20mins every single day, CONSISTENTLY. Through meditation you will strengthen your awareness and so when you get emotionally triggered you will have a strong sense of not getting too sucked into them. 


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