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What is actually preplanned and what not?

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Ramana Maharshi says every single movement in life is predetermined,

However as read many posts here on the forum, some dont agree with this notion. 

I had an LSA esperience yesterday where I had an insight that it was planned to go through all the struggles in life up to this point of accepting god as the ultimate doer of everything and only this point of life would change turn things around (I had a rough life and am recovering finally which is only due to acceptance of god) 

That did confuse me though, as I felt that there was no other way to reach this point of turn in life (which is to accept god finally and leave the past struggles behind as lessons to grow personally) 

There is no free will, everything happens in the now but still there is no predetermination (which Ramana Maharshi states otherwise). 

I know there is no intellectual way to figure this out but the insights that other people had may help to answer this question. 

So what actually in life IS preplanned? 

Like some destined lifestruggles (losing your wife/husband/or any member of the family to death), losing your house and all your life in a hurricane. I mean did consciousness plan on letting some special strugglepoints in life happen in certain phases of your life? 

Still god is the ultimate intelligent actor and some nasty games that happen to people do seem unexplainable if god did not want it to happen (which is gid experiencing it itself) , what else could describe life? Otherwise it would seem that there indeed is free will and you are totally responsible for whatever happens and need to get by the best you can, that could be anything, from being imprisoned for years innocently, becoming mentally severely ill and braindamaged and thus becoming socially completely isolated, losing dear people to death, homelessness, drug addiction and so on and so forth. There are infinite struggles that one could endure that are only in order for god to experience such a state of being, but my insight told me that it was planned to be so and not arbitrarily. 

Edited by Schahin

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Maybe its not only due to cause and effect, but god is playing out some special story, and it would be interesting to know the mechanism at least somehow. 

Surrender to whatever happens and be witness is gold but up until to the point of surrender, did everything happen according to a preplanned decision before birth of each one? 

If I become homeless or mentally ill in 2020 and am still stuck in ego separatism and have not realized the nature of god yet. Was that occuring already part of the destinyplan before birth? 

Destiny means some certain turning points happen at certain phases in life. 

Determinism would mean that everything was preplanned but thats not my question. The absence of free will and the absence of determinism is the confusing part, because how do things unfold then? There seems to be that missing something in between no free will and no determinism, which I would guess is that certain turning points where already decided before birth and god wantes to experience mental illness or homelessness in that particular human character of his. Replace mental illness with whatever life-changing experience. 

Also how can we dismiss the opinion of the great Ramana Maharshi who said that indeed every single movement in our life was predetermined already, was he totally wrong? Why do the insights counter each other so much? 


Edited by Schahin

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Suppose you thought for a few days about the advantages and disadvantage of quitting a job you might hypothetically have
and then the next day you decided to quit the job

And then you were informed that you decision and everything else in life was predetermined to happen.
You would still experience it as a decision you had to make.

So in knowing every single movement in life is predetermined knowing this would have no relevance to making what we call "a decision" or any future decision. File under useless trivia

Ramana Maharshi just liked the idea because he liked to




Edited by Nak Khid

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13 hours ago, Shiva said:

If you throw a ball and you know the parameters (weight of the ball, angle at which you throw, the exact force, the winds, etc.) you can accurately predict where it will land.


If the ball lands exactly where you predicted it would land and you had a computer that could predcit all other future evnts in life that doesn't mena the events are pre---determined   or  pre--planned

It means the events are predictable

Edited by Nak Khid

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