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Judgement Vs Opinion

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Hello there everyone,I hope you are having a wonderful day.

So as you can see from the title,my problem is that I can't differentiate between Judgement and Opinion.Now,I watched Leos video on Judgement,and I realize that judging positive or negative can backfire on you in various different ways.First comes judgement of a certain thing or person then comes opinion,right?.And lately I tried to do the exercise where I try to notice myself judging and now I came to the point in which I ask myself what is an opinion.I realize that I should just experience things not as good or bad,but rather just that they are.Doesn't opinion come out of judgement?These are the question that make my wonder and because of which I can't move on out of this judgement part.

Thank you for taking your time and reading this,kind regards ;)

Edited by T110E3

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All opinions essentially are judgements. I think it is most crucial to just realize when your mind is judging and just become aware of it and be mindful of it. Judging is a normal feature of the mind - you can just affect the part of you which you use to relate to the world: either through the mind or through larger awareness. All of this requires a lot of tolerance and patience of yourself. But it is very rewarding as well. :)

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First of what a great question :) And really there is no difference, they're (almost?) exactly identical.

The word Judgement is just used more when talking about people but what's more important is that you can move beyond and above opinions by very close self observation just like you did when you discovered this and keep an open mind, then just keep asking questions like that :)

Leo is great at explaining all this is several of his videos but if you want to beat your own mind control even more here's a guy who will never go easy on you and will seam at first like he's incredibly judgmental and mad/depressed but if you keep watching you will eventually learn that that is not the case at all, in fact it's quite the contrary:

Edited by Keyblade Viking - Tobias

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The difference is subtle, but its there.


Judgement is the "big picture", stating something like its some universal truth and everybody else is dumb for not seeing it  ("you are fat/ugly/beautiful")

An opinion on the other hand has doubt in it and describes the way YOU percive something ("iam attracted/not attracted to you, i feel good having you around")


But this is, again, is just my opinion on it ;) 


sry for mistakes, not a native speaker


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