
Can Cannabis actually be used for spirituality?

55 posts in this topic

It can for sure but it is a very tricky substance in my experience. Tends to get me addicted. Cause it won't get you anywhere unless you sit down and contemplate seriously. It's easy to take it as a way to enhance whatever material experience. 

Sailing on the ceiling 


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Weed makes my mind race with creative insights. 

The problem is that I have difficulty being mindful while high. The thoughts tend to take over and I have trouble moving the energy down from out of my head unless I dance or sing or have sex.

Other ways that people often move the energy from out of their head into their body is by overeating and masterbating.


Weed is too addictive for me to be used for any type of spiritual development.

Plus, the next day I have brain fog.

I make YouTube videos about Self-Actualization: >> Check it out here <<

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Cannibus makes you appreciate the moment

then laziness and paranoia sets in.

you became attached to the moment


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Terrence McKenna said that some of the most intense trips hes had were on weed when he would not have smoked and get really high one night. 

I can relate to that. After being sober for a while, then getting high on lots of weed in the dark with music and being at peace and alone, it can take you to those feelings of dmt, not so much visually, but definitely emotionally and mentally. It reminds me when I first started smoking, getting so high that things were black and white, feeling like floating on a cloud.

Set and Setting are important, making it a special event with the intention of having a great moment, there is no reason it shouldn't be as intense as anything else as long as its not abused, like cannabis is so many times. 

Is all that we see or seem

But a dream within a dream?

- Edgar Allen Poe 

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Really interesting to read all those experience reports with weed. I can relate very to all of your experiences. I find it funny because usually people don't talk about how weed is, they just say "weed is fun/chill/intense". 

If you want to use weed for spiritual growth you have to become mindfull of its effect. It makes you more sensible and creative, but no necessarily more mindful, that is your job. 

@Nak Khid

Wow  i Had exactly the same insight as you! I think you can recognize better how attachment works if you are high!

Edited by Philipp

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Many awakenings on weed.

The THC % is super important. I get it medically here in FL and it’s usually around 30 - 32% where I get from. That’s pretty high in case you don’t know.

Weed caused one of my biggest awakenings ever. It’s definitely a tool.

I would classify weed as a psychedelic - but quality matters.

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In my experience yes absolutely if you have a no tolerance at all and you get high its almost like a. Psychedelic

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I've been using it for about a year maybe once every 2-3 weeks to contemplate at night.  I don't usually do it and just watch TV or chill.  Seems to have gotten me some decent insights (conceptual) and changed my ways of thinking.  It's mostly Sativa (more "heady").

I like it for those purposes, but I can see how abusing it could be easy as well.

"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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Salutations Jahmaine,


On 17/11/2019 at 9:13 AM, Jahmaine said:

How would one go about having a healthy relationship with cannabis...


Basically there's too few people who can claim to have gotten initiated to cannabis in any other manner than socio-toxic, e.g. vilifying and then turning new adepts into more agents of self-vilification...  The vectors ain't too difficult to recognize, once one knows what to consider.  For starters the heavily unbalanced distribution of genetics as a function of THC-centric selection and now Full-CBD displays with bold graphical evidence when plotted it seems, but that's not all.  Now that it's "legal" here and there such fractured distortion only amplifies, with some odd voids in the 2:1, 3:1 or even 4:1 THC:CBD ratio groups i think.  Now, if we agree that 1:0 THC:CBD is already nearly as extreme as 1:0 or even 0:1 then it should become evident this opens the door wide open to mis-guided 3rd-party interference since in The Commonwealth we could live our lives one generation after then next and never heard of alternative between the 2 extremes, which then inspires me this most elementary question:  how's a bad start supposed to turn good?


Because not only it's typically some extremely unbalanced THC:CBD ratio (even when "legal", actually!) which people initiate with, but there's a lot more vilification awaiting ahead, mainly under the form of chronic self-poisoning caused by the by-products of combustion combined to contamination with savvy non-detection Pest Control Product soups formulated to optimized their synergy...  Imagine, HCN a Level-3 item of the Chemical Waepons Convention is even involved with combustion and it happens that myclobutanil changes into the infamous extermination gas formerly known as Zyklon - ah, and the most ironic if not cynical aspect of it is the fact that it's the end-consumer himself who finds no better consumption method than combustion, hence being his own enemy.




So, unless you got direct access no Nature's enlightening cannabis (treated with respect) i think the usual path is as that with help from a vilyfing social setup where we'll eventually fall victims of one among multiple traps and finally wonder a few decades from now.  Etc., etc.


One good rule-of-thumb which is easy to remember and apply is this though:


Generally try to follow "The Shortest Path of Lesser Transformation"...


So, IMO if one has a push-button consumerist attitude expecting the substance to work like an elevator, euh...  M'well maybe i shouldn't forget to include that as a vilification vector too.  At least it's my perception that cannabis is only a facilitator, some mood amplifier or probe so to speak, and Tolerance/T-Break issues are an early vilification sign raising a red flag of course.


Good day, have fun!!  B|


Edited by Egzoset

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Everyone's different and so what works for one will not work for a other. Try it. If it works then great. If not, try something else. You're not going to get the massive realisations that psychedelics can provide, but if it aids your spiritual growth then go for it ?

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30 minutes ago, Jonty said:

You're not going to get the massive realisations that psychedelics can provide, but if it aids your spiritual growth then go for it ?

@JontyI completely disagree. I've had massive realizations on cannabis that elevated my consciousness to almost unbearable limits. And I've met many psychonauts that are completely stumped when I bring up nonduality.

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@justfortoday Backing ya up mate, I find cannabis pretty profound too. It fascinates me how one substance behaves in so many ways for each user.

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12 minutes ago, SirVladimir said:

@justfortoday Backing ya up mate, I find cannabis pretty profound too. It fascinates me how one substance behaves in so many ways for each user.

Cannabis especially, the first time I tried it when I was 15 was SHOCKING. 

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@justfortoday agreed! When i was 16 and starting smoking it was really profound and totally a dream like state, and now sometimes i also get profound insights on it

Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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1 hour ago, justfortoday said:

Cannabis especially, the first time I tried it when I was 15 was SHOCKING. 

Yep. Two years ago, I smoked it on a bench in a park. What a surprise when it deconstructed the notion of the third dimension. I sat there in heaven. Life whirled by. It was not until recently when I discovered this is possible through shamanic breathwork. It is more elegant, compact, on-the-go. xD

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Cannabis is a very powerful tool, especially for contemplation!

Nowadays I use weed only in combination with other drugs like lsd, ketamine or mdma for example.

I try not to do it more then once every two weeks or max once a week. The one thing that sucks about weed is about 1 or 2 days after I use it, I barely get any work done and I am fucking lazy in general.

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13 minutes ago, acidgoofy said:

Cannabis is a very powerful tool, especially for contemplation!

Nowadays I use weed only in combination with other drugs like lsd, ketamine or mdma for example.

I try not to do it more then once every two weeks or max once a week. The one thing that sucks about weed is about 1 or 2 days after I use it, I barely get any work done and I am fucking lazy in general.

Your avatar and username are genius

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On 11/17/2019 at 9:13 AM, Jahmaine said:

I’ve seached other threads but haven’t seen any directly speaking in this way, someone send me a link if I missed it.


: Can cannabis be used in the same way as either psychedelics and if so in what way? 

Cannabis obviously has a deep history and has been acknowledged for it’s beneficial properties but just like with anything if it’s abused then any perceived positive effects can end up becoming negative. In the same way that baptism was originally to induce an ego-death type experience, was there an original way that cannabis was used or is “supposed” to be used in relation to spirituality? 


How would one go about having a healthy relationship with cannabis in the pursuit of growth, as can done with more powerful psychedelics?

Just seeing if there’s any general guidelines that are out there and where the source of information is coming from.


;When you get the message, hang up the phone. - Alan Watts

cannabis is a psychedelic, take a fat tolerance break then smoke you will trip... I smoked non stop like two packs of woods a day for 3 years took a t break one month and next time i smoked a wood i was geeked out in a 4 hour mind trip. Also just eat a ton of edibles itll turn into a dmt trip. Thats how the dmtx program have been training for their extended states. By using high dose edibles and ketamine as practice.

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