The Don

Death is real whether you like it or not.

45 posts in this topic

@The Don the clouds die. death is real for the cloud. the sky is beyond death... beyond coming and going.

choice is yours... 
be the cloud, you die.
be the sky, you gucci eternally bro!

Love Is The Answer

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Yeah I am really worried will my spirit that is inside my body meet God. 

What if atheists are right and I am Just this bio robot and that's it, non existance - oblivion. ???

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Life don’t have opposite. Life is Consciousness and Consciousness is Eternal.
Death is the opposite of birth, and if birth is imagined how death could be otherwise.? YOU can never die because YOU never born.❤️

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And present to them the example of the life of this world, [its being] like rain which We send down from the sky, and the vegetation of the earth mingles with it and [then] it becomes dry remnants, scattered by the winds. And Allah is ever, over all things, Perfect in Ability.


Death & birth by the physical world.

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What happens next is a different topic..


Yea you will live eternally. No more death after the first Death 

Edited by Angelite

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On 11/17/2019 at 2:42 PM, Leo Gura said:

There is no death until you imagine it.

@Leo Gura, whatever is the thing that imagines death, I want that thing to keep the body going for at least 200 years or even more.

My perception doesn't want the body to go away.

How can this "dissipating body" experience sex for example, after its imaginary death? It can't.

Even if the mind or the body understands that death is imaginary, at some point the body will not be able to perceive those things because of "death".

You are right when you say that everything is imaginary but without a body, you can't know that everything is imaginary. That's why the body and the mind are so important.

Edited by The Don

Me on the road less traveled.

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20 hours ago, SoonHei said:

@The Don the clouds die. death is real for the cloud. the sky is beyond death... beyond coming and going.


As the sky is beyond death... beyond coming and going, what next? What's there?

What's the importance of things that are beyond the mind? Let's say consciousness for example.

Consciousness is impersonal. I'm not saying that consciousness is nothing or a void or pure emptiness. Consciousness can be associated with "no thing". No thing is different than nothing.

Anyway, as consciousness is impersonal... all I can say is this: why should consciousness be relevant to me? Why should consciousness be of importance to me?

Even if I understand and comprehend what consciousness is, then what?

Me on the road less traveled.

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All I want to say is this.

Life is short and it should be enjoyed.

A lot of people are starting to comprehend what consciousness is and how imagination works. As they understand consciousness and imagination, they don't get better. They get depressed and they lose the inherent meaning of life. Even if they don't get depressed, they lose the joy of living.

So start living your life as a stoic and let consciousness take care of itself. You'll know the truth when the body ceases to exist. Until then, don't give up your precious connection with life for the sake of knowing what consciousness is.

Don't break the boundaries of life because you'll never be able to get them back and fully enjoy the art of living. You'll be fooling yourself that you enjoy life but in the back of your mind, you won't be able to fully enjoy it because consciousness completely obliterates the magic realm-feeling of life.

Why do you think that there is the realm of life? Ancient civilizations understood this.

Edited by The Don

Me on the road less traveled.

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4 minutes ago, The Don said:

Why should consciousness be of importance to me?

Because You are that Consciousness  And you have no way of being separated from that.


13 minutes ago, The Don said:

Even if I understand and comprehend what consciousness is, then what?

In this case never will put this questions because you will know who you really are and you will know here is nobody to die. You are the totality of bodys and minds, not a separate body and mind.You are a Whole.

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12 minutes ago, Eu Sint said:

Because You are that Consciousness  And you have no way of being separated from that.

The fact that I'm part of consciousness, that's a TRAGEDY. That means consciousness is eternal.

I can't comprehend the eternal state of consciousness. It's not possible for me such a catastrophe.

When I start to understand and comprehend what consciousness is and the fact that consciousness is eternal, I'm getting depressed.

Because if 'consciousness' has the wish to stop being in existence, IT CAN'T. It's like living in hell for eternity.

Now I want to ask: is consciousness a living hell for eternity? Or otherwise, even if consciousness is a state of love for eternity, why would that be good, valuable and necessary?

Edited by The Don

Me on the road less traveled.

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3 hours ago, The Don said:

Even if I understand and comprehend what consciousness is, then what?

then Satchitananda 


the end of the need to answer this and all other questions :)


Love Is The Answer

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2 hours ago, The Don said:

The fact that I'm part of consciousness, that's a TRAGEDY. That means consciousness is eternal.

I can't comprehend the eternal state of consciousness. It's not possible for me such a catastrophe.

When I start to understand and comprehend what consciousness is and the fact that consciousness is eternal, I'm getting depressed.

Because if 'consciousness' has the wish to stop being in existence, IT CAN'T. It's like living in hell for eternity.

Now I want to ask: is consciousness a living hell for eternity? 

Notice here how you are applying relative, finite perspective to the Absolute.   Who is it that is getting depressed?  You as the small self, and your perspecitve is relative.   So if you believe it is hell, it will be hell relative to you.   That's the beauty of relativity.  If you believe it is heaven, it is heaven.  

This is how the Absolute creates a hell and a heaven as they are dualities. 

The Absolute is Absolute nirvana but you can't get there through relativity you must become the Absolute via mysticism.  


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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2 hours ago, The Don said:

It's like living in hell for eternity.

or the glass is half full?

it's both

and when something is a MUST, beyond all SHOULDs - then peace is what results.

you cannot want to swim in the water and also not get wet.

swimming in the water implies getting wet. it is a must

heaven and hell are like water and wetness

heads and tails

you simply call the flip side of what you DO NOT want hell.

but you come to see reality/consciousness is beyond what you (The Don) wants.


2 hours ago, The Don said:

why would that be good, valuable and necessary?

it is also beyond all WHYs


it just IS.


WHY are there four seasons? what is the reason / purpose?

there is no reason/purpose. it just what is... already is.

Love Is The Answer

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On 11/17/2019 at 6:50 AM, The Don said:

I'm saying this because life is temporary.

If you think you are a person, yes... but if "you" die, let's your body dies (a body dies), life continues, right? There's still life, it is not temporary.

Life continues wether you like it or not.


On 11/17/2019 at 6:50 AM, The Don said:

Death means the dissolving of your body, your character or the disappearance of life as you know it.

That's the meaning you give to "death". I agree that most of the people gives that meaning, but I don't think is correct. There's no death. What dies continue living in another form. Death creates more life.

When the body dies, there's decomposition and that creates thousands of bacterias and other life forms that we probably don't know about.


On 11/17/2019 at 6:50 AM, The Don said:

Because consciousness and the Universe itself are impersonal.

How do you know that? Or is it just a belief?


On 11/17/2019 at 6:50 AM, The Don said:

The only thing foreign or alien to everything that exists in consciousness is the human mind.

How can you KNOW there's a human mind, if you are not conscious of it? If there's no awareness or consciousness there would be nothing to know if there's human mind or whatever there is. Consciousness is prior to the mind.


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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4 minutes ago, abrakamowse said:

How can you KNOW there's a human mind, if you are not conscious of it? If there's no awareness or consciousness there would be nothing to know if there's human mind or whatever there is. Consciousness is prior to the mind.

Because you are aware of your surroundings.

You don't know what lies ahead in the Andromeda galaxy. You can't know for sure. That's proof for an impersonal Universe.

Me on the road less traveled.

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3 minutes ago, The Don said:

Because you are aware of your surroundings.

How can you be aware of anything ? If there's no consciousness you are not aware of the surroundings, of a human mind, of a body...

Awareness is the source of everything, without it you won't know anything. You can't know there's surroundings or mind or a dog, or a car or a bottle or anything at all... if consciousness is not there first.


Edited by abrakamowse

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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Death in the sense of the 'self' might not exist, but I think bubbles of  appearances do pop into and out of existence continually.

"Whatever you do or dream you can begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. "   - Goethe
My Blog- Writing for Therapy

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@The Don The mind is not separate from consciousness, how would you be conscious of the thoughts that the mind produces without consciousness?

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4 hours ago, WelcometoReality said:

The mind is not separate from consciousness, how would you be conscious of the thoughts that the mind produces without consciousness?


Just a question: how can someone prove that consciousness is not a byproduct of the brain?

You need a body to experience consciousness. You need a body and a mind to prove consciousness.

I'm not denying that consciousness exists. Consciousness exists but it can't be experienced without a body. That's why I'm saying that consciousness is objectively impersonal. Consciousness is absolutely impersonal.

Just because you've had a psychedelic experience, that doesn't mean that you know the essence of reality.

The mind is a very deceptive thing. Buddha didn't know everything. Jesus didn't know everything. Spiritual teachers don't know everything. @Leo Gura doesn't know everything.

So... the answer is to find the truth by yourself and not expect it from somebody else. We are prone to get answers from other people and not derive answers from our own observations and explorations.

There is always a possibility to delude ourselves even when everything seems clear to us.

Edited by The Don
To add up a word in a sentence.

Me on the road less traveled.

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