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Forrest Adkins

Suriya Namaskar

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I heard about this practice in Sadhgurus book. Its right in the middle between a spiritual practice and physical exercise, which is perfect for me to do in the morning. I was really just looking for some physical exercise to in the morning but if there is some benefit to my meditation practice its great.


Now there are a lot of Videos on Youtube and they all look different and its not explained very well. I havent found any Isha instructio videos but I guess this practice is safe to learn from a video. So I did the Youtube Suriya Namaskar for some weeks now to get me going and now I want to refine it and look more into it.


So my question is, does anybody here practice it, or has any reputable information or instructions on this practice?

I would also be interrested in the theory behind its spiritual benefits.

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@Forrest Adkins Look for the vinyasas from Ashtanga Yoga. It starts with Surya Namaskar A x5 and then Surya Namaskar B x5. Ashtanga Yoga is very methodical and you can trust it.

Here's a video of the first series (stick to the Surya Namaskar and don't try the rest at home without a proper teacher).

unborn Truth

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