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Flipping the Spiritual Path Framework

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It seems like a lot of people view Spirituality from the framework of "Discover so that you may change", for example they would think they the experience of non-duality will change them significantly and thus they will desire to seek that experience or state.

In my view that is the wrong approach. Fundamentally it is not the experience or state that will change them, it is not the discovery which drives change, rather it is the change which allows for the discovery, it is the change that allows for the new state or experience.


It is not that we become enlightened, it is not that we become the Greater Self. It is merely that the change in us allows us to see what has always been there. It is the change which allows us to discover what is fundamentally true about us and what has been true all along.

Insights are not given to us by attempting to discover them, rather we get sight into the nature of reality by changing that through which we look. Curiousity leads to change and therefore to the discovery of Truth. It is not Truth that changes us, because Truth is always there.


Truth does not make us Dance, rather the Dance let's us see the Truth. Our work is not to travel, our work is to clean the window in front of which we have sat the entire time. Our work is not to become more Loving, our work is to clean our mind so that we see the Love that has always been flowing through us, the Love that has been Guiding all our actions all along, the Love that we cannot deny, that we cannot escape and that we can never be seperate from.


Essentially there is nothing to do here, because we are what we are. All of spirituality is just another game.

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@Scholar Great analogy here. Cleaning the mind to get to the Truth is a good one, and absolutely when we do the work we reveal what is already there. Rather than cleaning the window in front of us , I like to see it as shining a light through the clouds of the mind so to speak. However not many people are quite ready for the change as it means changing your personhood and ultimately who you believe you are. I agree that we may have been  "mis sold" awakening as something you seek. How do you seek something that is already there? 

You just take off the blindfold.

Edited by Surfingthewave

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