
Free Will is No Free Will

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I've become conscious of the fact that free will is spontaneously generated... As strange as this may seem, this is what is occurring. I am spontaneously generating will in the moment, but the even weirder part is that this is precisely the same thing as no will at all. And in effect, I can observe both this odd manifestation of will as well as literally phase shifting my perspective into a position of no will and watch as reality seamlessly flows on without any doer-ship. 

At first I thought maybe this meant no free will was the equivalent to what Leo would call "meta." as per his latest video That the no free will was a higher truth so to speak. And perhaps, by virtue of the fact that everyone runs around thinking they have free will the alternative would seem more meta. But see, this isn't what I'm experiencing. What I'm experiencing *is* that this no will is the same exact thing as will. And that both are completely spontaneous experiences. 

If I really want to, I can continue to survive as a biological organism. If I really wanted to, I could literally do an infinite variation of behaviors. I can and constantly manipulate reality in all sorts of ways. Even when I'm sitting still doing nothing, I'm exerting a will, a manipulation onto reality. Free will is like taking Responsibility with a capital R. 100% Responsibility for understanding our influence in this life. Understanding that there is a very specific force inside our being that comprises our feeling of self (which is an entirely infinitely unique experience that only you are experiencing) and this force is not random, and completely Free. I'm not entirely sure how to write about with this free will is other than that it's not really a perception, persay... But I do perceive and acknowledge it within my direct experience. But it's a spontaneous presence. When I'm lost in thought and distracted, my body and mind are in autopilot mode. However, when I'm fully present and locked into my direct experience of Now, I see Will.  

And yet all of us can phase shift into no free will. This lack of free will is going on in your experience. It's not something to be believed but to be observed. Like literally, with just a change of resolution, you can relinquish your experience into one where total effortlessness, total flow is the driving energy behind your experience. Moreover, realize that this perspective is never not there. It's accessible at all times; it's essentially running your life at all times. Moreover pt. 2, realize that the perspective of free will is never not there either... And the no free will or free will are simply two different interpretations of the same thing; a thing our minds can't merge or deal with. 

So then what the hell is going on? What's going on is that free will and no free will are the same thing. You can see free will. You can see no free will. You can see free will and free will. You can see neither free will nor no free will. To put it in terms of Leo's latest video, there is a meta-structure of Free Will and No Will occurring wherein these two perspectives are content within a larger metaphysical structure.

I invite anyone who's happened to read this thread to contemplate the matter for themselves and become directly conscious of what these words are pointing to. Just please acknowledge that these words are indirect and not to be believed, or taken literally while also being open to directly experience what I'm describing. 


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The structure is God. God imagines reality. And it is you.

Whatever you see is what you have imagined.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

The structure is God. God imagines reality. And it is you.

Whatever you see is what you have imagined.

But it is imagined in a way that the human self cannot grasp ever true? 

An awakening is needed.

Or is it the imagination that occurs constantly according to the law of attraction of each human self and is actually decided through our thoughts? 

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1 hour ago, Schahin said:

But it is imagined in a way that the human self cannot grasp ever true? 

An awakening is needed.

Or is it the imagination that occurs constantly according to the law of attraction of each human self and is actually decided through our thoughts? 

A human being grasps and understands and deals with tiny portions of God. A human is like 0.0000000000001% of God and has that amount of power allocated to him/her. Humans thoughts affect reality, but in a very weak way.

A human is like an App in an OS which has only been given access to a tiny percentage of the total system resources. It is not proper for a single App to have access to total system resources and root access. These limitations are there for your safety so you don't accidentally kill yourself and the entire Earth.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Yes indeed. 

Still isn't the entirety of all human thoughts and all animal thoughts that what ultimately creates and makes reality unfold by the imagination of all together? 

When we sum up that 0. 000000...1 percentage for everybody and everything wouldn't it somewhen reach 100%?

Or is it the contrary that the one big you is imagining even our thoughts and we remain out of grasp for that imagination until we awaken and integrate the awakening? 

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7 hours ago, Consilience said:

I've become conscious of the fact that free will is spontaneously generated... As strange as this may seem, this is what is occurring. I am spontaneously generating will in the moment, but the even weirder part is that this is precisely the same thing as no will at all. And in effect, I can observe both this odd manifestation of will as well as literally phase shifting my perspective into a position of no will and watch as reality seamlessly flows on without any doer-ship. 

Yup, as a matter of fact, "everything" is spontaneously generated, even thinking one "does or doesn't" have free-will.

Whatever spontaneously arises is equal to determinism, because as you rightly said, there is no-doer, but "maybe" one doesn't have to act on every thought that arises. Perhaps, that's where freedom may come in, if there is such a thing at all.

The reason I say it like that is because, say I think, "I want ice cream", then I think, "no no, I will exert my free-will and not have the ice cream". Who's to say free-will actually happened? vs. Just a spontaneously arising decision which equals determinism, see?

This knowledge doesn't get one off the hook for personal responsibility though. We still must always try to do the most appropriate action, speech, etc in the moment or suffer the consequences, why?? Because that's the way this universal manifestation with its physical/psychological laws and rules has been set up.


“You don’t have problems; you are the problem.”

– Swami Chinmayananda

Namaste ? ?

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And thats the beauty of it!

I applaud how effectively well you were able to put this into words.



Edited by pluto


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3 hours ago, Anna1 said:

Whatever spontaneously arises is equal to determinism, because as you rightly said, there is no-doer, but "maybe" one doesn't have to act on every thought that arises. Perhaps, that's where freedom may come in, if there is such a thing at all.

The reason I say it like that is because, say I think, "I want ice cream", then I think, "no no, I will exert my free-will and not have the ice cream". Who's to say free-will actually happened? vs. Just a spontaneously arising decision which equals determinism, see?


That's not what I see. Determinism is a mind a model of reality. It implies cause and effect, which is a function of time. Determinism, at least how I have conceptualized it throughout my life, is based on time. It's based on action, reaction, causes leading to effects occurring in a process oriented fashion. But this is not what's going on in reality if you look closely enough. There is no such thing as cause and effect, there is no such thing as time, and there's no such thing as determinism. There's also no such thing as randomness either.

Determinism is based on the notion that reality is 'determined' but reality is completely causeless and free. But within this absolute freedom is an absolute lack of freedom too. Again, I'm not entirely sure how to explain it other than by saying I don't see determinism. I also don't not see it in the sense that I'm able to phase shift my perspective into no free will. So making the statement that determinism is what's going on misses the fact that determinism isn't occurring. And that's what I want people reading to directly experience for themselves. It's not only one or the other, it's both and neither. Being paradigm locked into "oh it's determinism" or "oh we have free will" misses the other side of the coin. 

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19 minutes ago, Consilience said:

That's not what I see. Determinism is a mind a model of reality. It implies cause and effect, which is a function of time. Determinism, at least how I have conceptualized it throughout my life, is based on time. It's based on action, reaction, causes leading to effects occurring in a process oriented fashion. But this is not what's going on in reality if you look closely enough. There is no such thing as cause and effect, there is no such thing as time, and there's no such thing as determinism. There's also no such thing as randomness either.

Determinism is based on the notion that reality is 'determined' but reality is completely causeless and free. But within this absolute freedom is an absolute lack of freedom too. Again, I'm not entirely sure how to explain it other than by saying I don't see determinism. I also don't not see it in the sense that I'm able to phase shift my perspective into no free will. So making the statement that determinism is what's going on misses the fact that determinism isn't occurring. And that's what I want people reading to directly experience for themselves. It's not only one or the other, it's both and neither. Being paradigm locked into "oh it's determinism" or "oh we have free will" misses the other side of the coin. 

Amazing, thanks for pointers ;) 

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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