
Do you see what's in front of you?

18 posts in this topic

Well do you? Or do you overlook the simplicity of it? 




Infinite intelligence. 


People walk around and take it for granted. 'Familiarity breeds content' so they say. 

Every emotion, every 'pain', every 'suffering', every breath, every leaf, every rock, every drop of milky froth that sits on the top of your cappuccino, every word that leaves your mouth is a miracle. The sun rising and setting each day is god. You're god, you're the blessing, you're the miracle. 

Do you overlook these things each day? Do you witness and appreciate the sheer magnitude that is life? 


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Love It!

Life is Love, Love is life :)

One you replace "thinking" with "feeling" it all starts to make sense again.

Keep being you <3


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18 minutes ago, pluto said:

Life is Love, Love is life


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What contrasted with LIFE, to be appreciated ? Who is the one to appreciate??

46 minutes ago, Charlotte said:

Do you witness and appreciate the sheer magnitude that is life? 


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We are all one spark, eyes full of wonder

“Take the lowest place, and you shall reach the highest.” 

“In the monastery of your heart, you have a temple where all Buddhas unite.” - Milarepa 

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@Charlotte yeah... so true. It's like a beautiful sky near sunset or some other sight in nature which takes our breath away...

vs everyday stuff we just become so accustomed to.

If you bring a man living in the middle of the amazon forest, right into the middle of times square NY - he will be in awe for days. heck, times square might be too advanced, just bring him inside of a house and his mind will be blown


at the flip side, if a city man is brought into the middle of a rain-forest, he may also be in awe... or fear? :D


Edited by SoonHei

Love Is The Answer

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I have wheat weevils living in my apartment and I spent half and hour or so observing them how they crawling around. The surface of my floor is too smooth for them, so when they fall on their back, which they do all the time, they can't get back on their feet. Clumsy little critters, I have to flip them and evacuate them all the time and it doesn't seem to stop.

They are amazing though, I observed a few of them how they crawled up a wall, which to them must be crazy high. I did some research about them and found out they live up to two years.

When I see them struggling I keep asking myself, what better thing do I have to do than to save someones life? So I get on the floor and flip them, or catch them in a bowl so that I can let them walk around somewhere else. It's really fulfilling to help them on their journeys, though I have to watch my step because they are everywhere.

Edited by Scholar

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@Charlotte Lovely post, thank you. ? 

What we are searching for is right in front of our noses, but we are distracted by what is in our minds. 

I'm a bit wary however of the You're God part, I think these kind of statements are confusing people on the forum. 

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Amazing post. 

In reality this is it, this very moment truly is it. There's no other way to say it. 

There isn't some magical mystical world you'll get to when you awaken, but you'll realize this ugly world as it is, is absolutely perfect as it is. This can be so hard to grasp, especially with what goes on in the world. 

This moment truly is it, and it is amazing. (Even when it's not amazing haha) 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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What an amazing paragraph to read...

I can resonate with everything you said. I have little critters chilling round the gaff and they need flipped often as well ?. Thanks again for sharing this, such a heartwarming 

@Surfingthewave @LfcCharlie4 ?

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On 15/11/2019 at 9:27 PM, Charlotte said:

Well do you?  

Sure, you're in front of me, hidden im that present momenty stuff. Get out and show yourself!

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Again and again I flip between being lost in thoughts and coming back to awareness, just recently thanks to @Nahm by him asking me the right questions I came to clarity of recognizing with certainty the distinction between thoughts and "witnessing" now I remain as awareness (although occasionally drifting in thoughts). Staying as awareness feels so great, indeed everything feels fresh, the experience of life feels renewed (although I still feel I can go much deeper..I'm only scratching the surface as Leo says..) now I wonder how could I ever overlook this present moment, how could I be so lost in thoughts rejecting this very moment, this life, this feeling, this being.. Truly nothing is lacking, it's all perfect, I'm so blessed! :)

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I don't know if anyone of you do it, but I thank the sun for being today with me, and I always say that I will be waiting for "her" tomorrow.


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@Nemo28 Remember, thought is also within the present moment. A lot of people I feel disregard the mind and see it as some sort of enemy. It's just as miracle like as the baby you witness being born. 

@Nahm ??

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@Charlotte yeah but that mind always dissatisfied and I'm being pulled into it, and feel confused all the time of who am I.. It's maddening 

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