
Leo's Level of Consciousness and Your Own LOC

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  On 11/21/2019 at 8:23 AM, WelcometoReality said:

@LfcCharlie4 heres the map by david hawkins if you are interested. As you can see the top level is 700-1000 so quite a big gap in knowledge there.


I see this is another list based on 1000 from the books Power vs. Force Paperback – March 5, 2002
I wonder if this inspired Ramaji's  LOC list from 2014

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@WelcometoReality @Nak Khid  


I'm pretty sure this did inspire Ramaji's, I'm not sure about labelling each stage with one emotion, like labelling the 200s desire I think it was, Desire is simply life force, and after awakening it evolves but healthy desire is a huge part of life, instead of desiring for the self alone, I desire to receive in order to share and help people, not just to help myself. 

But yes, they are similar, it seems DH goes into more details about the pre seeker phases and normal life, whereas Ramaji is more focused on Spiritual seekers in the 500s and then stabilising in non-duality at 640 and each stage of the awakening process. 

I'm like 90% sure he started this as Hawkins didn't have Ramana at the highest level of understanding.

@WelcometoReality have you read 1000?

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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17 Levels of Consciousness

Description of Each Level of Consciousness
from the book Power vs. Force , 2002 by David Hawkins

I will provide a description of each level, starting with the bottom-most level. As you read this, think about the level that you resonate most with now:

1) Shame (1-20): Someone at this level feels humiliated, has low self-esteem, and is paranoid. Common feelings by someone at this level include feeling like he/she has “lost face,” wishing that he/she is invisible and feeling worthless. Some individuals react by becoming overly rigid or neurotic perfectionists. Vibrating at this level for prolonged periods leads to elimination (of self and others), such as suicide, turning into serial killers, rapists, or moral extremists who apply self-righteous judgment onto others. A person’s life view at this state is misery.

2) Guilt (30): Feelings of blame and remorse hover in this level. These feelings are used to consciously or subconsciously manipulate conformance to certain forms of thinking and behaviors. This level is dominant in governments who are high-handed and uses heavy public punishment; in societies with a blame culture; and in religious institutions with a preoccupation with “sin” and “salvation.” This level cultivates destruction. Hawkins cites the life view as evil, though I disagree and feel that condemnation is more adept. A person at the level of guilt is not necessarily evil nor does he/she see the world as evil, but rather focuses a lot on condemning self and others.

3) Apathy (50): A state of helplessness, despair, and despondency. Someone here is needy and dependent on others for help, such as the homeless and poor. Because this level feels “heavy” and is seen as a burden, many people usually avoid those vibrating at these levels. For example, in some countries, we see how the poor and less fortunate are segmented away from mainstream society. We also frequently see situations where the aged are abandoned by their own kin because they are seen as a liability. This level is associated with abdication, which means to give up one’s power to others. The life view here is hopelessness.


4) Grief (75): Feelings of regret, sadness, and loss are abundant here. Many people vibrate at this level in times of loss — of loved ones, relationships, possessions, jobs, and wealth. The outcome is mourning, feeling remorse, regret, and being hung up over what has happened. Someone grieving feels despondent and bleak about the world and life around him/her. The life view is tragic. Grief is a higher level than apathy because one starts feeling more energy at this level, albeit energies of sadness and loss.

5) Fear (100): The energy at this level in anxiety. Common kinds of fear at play would be the fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of uncertainty, fear of challenges, fear of aging, fear of death, fear of loss, and fear of strangers. This emotion is often played on by marketers and politicians to achieve their agendas. Fear leads to paranoia and can turn into an obsession. At this level, one views everything uncertain as fearful and thus undergoes a state of withdrawal. Thus, fear prevents personal growth from taking place. Someone at this level sees the world as frightening.

6) Desire (125): At the level of desire, the emotion of craving becomes dominant. We have people pursuing money and status as end goals for a better life, lonely singles longing to be in romantic relationships believing that it will complete themselves, marketers conditioning ‘wants’ in people via enticing advertisements and promises of happiness with the consumption of goods, and fashion industry playing on people’s desires to be more attractive and wanted, just to name a few.

Addictions are outputs of desire, such as the desire for food, video games, fun, sex, shopping, and money and power. One becomes looped into enslavement at this level because desire is a never-ending emotion. The life view is disappointing, which happens when one cannot obtain what one desires. Desire is a higher level than fear because the desire for something propels someone into action rather than withdraw into a corner.

7) Anger (150): The emotion at this level is hate. Anger expresses itself as resentment, frustration, even revenge. Common manifestations of anger in our society today can be seen in people’s irritable behavior, toxic conversations on the internet, arguments between family members, and at the worst end of the spectrum, murder and war.

Because anger is a highly charged feeling, someone who channels this energy constructively will move up to the next level and create positive change — such as via activism (of animal rights, human rights, environmental causes, etc.). Such uses of anger have resulted in the liberation and great movements in society. On the other hand, people who use anger destructively such as to shame, hate, and harm others, create more destruction. The process one undergoes is aggression. The life view here is antagonistic, where one is hostile, unfriendly, and acts in opposition against others.

8) Pride (175): Hawkins cite scorn as the dominant feeling of pride, though I disagree. I feel dignity is a more representative emotion for this level. Scorn comes as a result of this dignity, though it may be too subtle for people to recognize. In our current society, pride is a level that is encouraged and seen as positive — for example, the pride of being part of a group, institution, company, nation, religion, and race.


But this leads to a duality, which acts as an invisible force to separate people. For example, nations exist because people identify themselves more with a geographical location rather than a common, universal identity. Religions exist because people attach themselves to their beliefs of god and values, which separate them from the “others.” On a personal level, people develop pride based on their possessions and career achievements, and this is dangerous because such conditions can be removed at any point in time. Pride results in denial and arrogance. At pride, one undergoes inflation (of ego) rather than see things objectively. The life view here is demanding.

9) Courage (200): Affirmation is the key emotion here. This is the separation point between Power and Force, where one starts to create change by using constructive uses of power rather than destructive force. This is the first waking point when one starts to wake from his/her sleepwalker status. At the lower levels before this, the world is seen as hopeless, tragic, frightening, demanding, and antagonistic; people below 200 see themselves as victims, at the mercy of life, and subjected to the forces of the external world.

At the level of courage, one sees the world as exciting and filled with possibilities. One undergoes empowerment here. This marks the start of active pursuit of growth. When one sees a gap in their knowledge and abilities, they will act to fill it. For example, learning new job skills, embarking on further education, pursuing personal growth. The life view is feasible – anything is manageable since the person is willing to take action to deal with uncomfortable situations in life. People in levels of >200 recognize that their happiness lies in their hands.

10) Neutrality (250): The emotions at this level are trust and safety. Here, people are non-judgmental, objective, and able to see things as they truly are. They are not attached to possessions, situations, results, and can roll with the punches in life. If they are not able to get something, they are equally happy settling for something else.

This is NOT the same as apathy – the power of neutrality comes from a positive place, where one recognizes his/her power, ability, and worth, and does not feel the need to prove anything to anyone. On the other hand, apathy comes from feeling forsaken, resulting in nonchalance and jadedness toward the external world. The process is one of release (of everything). The life view is satisfactory, where anything goes. These people are easy to get along; however, they are difficult to engage toward causes and visions because they are detached toward everything.

11) Willingness (310): Optimism runs high here. At Willingness, the individual is open to doing anything and everything – he/she is not bounded by others’ judgments or limitations. For example, he/she is willing to take on menial jobs if he/she cannot get jobs elsewhere. The difference between Willingness and the levels below it is that at Willingness, one is passionate about doing things well rather than just doing things. Someone at Willingness can readily bounce back from setbacks, is easily moldable, and is genuinely open to everyone. Success follows them easily.

The process one undergoes here is of intention (to do anything). The life view is hopefulness. At this level you have people who perform extremely well in their careers in corporations, startups; however as they develop great skills, the question comes to whether they are investing their energy in the best way.

12) Acceptance (350): In my opinion, this marks the second waking point for an individual, where he/she is fully awake from his/her sleepwalker status. Here, one realizes that he/she is THE creator and source of his/her life, as opposed to having relegated part of his/her power to someone else or a different entity. He/she (1) is aware of the social constructs present in one’s life, whether family, society, nation, religion, or work, (2) is able to discern against (limiting) beliefs, viewpoints, and social conditioning, and (3) can consciously craft his/her life above and beyond these social constructs.

The behavior at this level is acceptance vs. rejection, seeking for resolution vs. judging whether something is right or wrong, having a long-term vs. short-term view, engaging in life harmoniously based on its terms vs. resisting it, and striving for excellence and growth. Forgiveness is the dominant emotion. The process one undergoes is transcendence (above what one faces in life). The life view here is harmonious.

13) Reason (400): The emotion is understanding and rationality. One seeks out huge amounts of information and analyzes them to infinitesimal detail before reaching a conclusion. This is where the noble prize winners, leaders of science and medicine, and great thinkers of history are at. However, someone at the level of Reason falls into the trap of over-intellectualization in concepts and theories. When theories clash and each argument is sound on its own, we reach a blockade, leading to the inability to resolve discrepancies. This leads to the process of abstraction or preoccupation with data. The life view is meaningful.

14) Love (500): This represents unconditional love – love that is pure, unfaltering, unwavering, not subjected to any external condition. It is not the same love commonly portrayed in mass media, which is rooted in lust, desire, pride, control, addiction, attraction, jealousy, and possessiveness. While the media often establish love and hate as opposites, hate is actually rooted in pride (desire for control/possessiveness), not actual love.

Reverence is the main emotion in this level of (unconditional) love. At this level, duality becomes an illusion; the feeling is one of entirety that rises above separation. Unconditional love is inclusive of everyone and expands beyond self. While reason deals with data, love deals with entirety, thus giving rise to the capacity for instantaneous understanding. This aspect is often linked with intuition. The process one undergoes is revelation. The life view is benign: there is no separation, fear or negativity. According to Hawkin, only 0.4% of the population (1 in every 250 people) ever reaches this level.

15) Joy (540): The dominant emotion is serenity and compassion. This is the inner joy that arises from every moment of existence rather than from an external source. This is the level where saints, advanced spiritual students and healers dwell. At this level, one is characterized by enormous patience and an unwavering positive attitude in the face of harsh adversities. The world is seen as one of perfection and beauty. Individuals are motivated to dedicate themselves to the benefit of life rather than for specific individuals. Here, transfiguration occurs, where there is an inner serenity and emanating of radiance and compassion for others. The life view is completeness (of the world). Near-death experiences have the effect of temporarily bumping people into this level.

16) Peace (600): The emotion is bliss. At this level, there is no longer any distinction between the observer and the subject. People here become spiritual teachers and great geniuses in their field to effect great contribution to mankind; they transcend formal religious structures and replace it with pure spirituality which is where religions originate. Perception becomes one of slow motion, suspended in time and space. Everything is perceived as interconnected by an infinite presence. The process one undergoes is illumination. The life view is perfect. Hawkins claims that this level is only attained by 1 out of 10 million people.

17) Enlightenment (700-1000): The emotion is ineffable, in other words – inexpressible. This is the pinnacle of the evolution of consciousness by mankind. The greatest people in history have attained this level, such as Krishna, Buddha, and Jesus. Here, the body becomes recognized as a tool to project consciousness. One’s existence becomes all-encompassing and transcends time and space. The process is described as pure consciousness. The life view here is simply ‘Is‘. As we achieve our highest potential and live our best life, we should strive for the highest possible level of enlightenment.

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  On 11/21/2019 at 9:25 AM, WelcometoReality said:

@LfcCharlie4 No I haven't but it sounds like a good read. I wonder how sound the science is?

it's a metaphysics book. It's not supposed to be scientific

The Hawkins book does claims to be science backed and involves muscle testing but the question is is this method credible scientifically?

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What @Nak Khid (We actually agreed on this thread lol) 

It's based on enlightenment and non duality so yeah it's not based on science, he goes over how he 'calculates' LOC's, which may be of interest to you, personally I can't do this, but even reading the descriptions and learning the stages has helped me recognise roughly what stage soemone/ teachers could be at. 

I think you'd enjoy it, it's a long read though, but very detailed of each stage of awakening, and goes over other models such as 10 Zen Ox Pictures etc etc. 

Let me know if you do read it!

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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The "Map of Consciousness" illumines heretofore unknown aspects of consciousness. With each progressive rise in the level of consciousness, the "frequency" or "vibration" of energy increases.
Thus, higher consciousness radiates a beneficial and healing effect on the world, verifiable in the human muscle response which stays strong in the presence of love and truth. In contrast, non–true or negative energy fields which "calibrate" below the level of integrity induce a weak muscle response. This stunning discovery of the difference between "power" and "force" has influenced numerous fields of human endeavor: business, advertising, education, psychology, medicine, law, and international relations.


Sir David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. is a nationally renowned psychiatrist, physician, researcher, spiritual teacher and lecturer. The uniqueness of his contribution to humanity comes from the advanced state of spiritual awareness known as " Enlightenment," "Self–Realization," and "Unio Mystica."
Dr. Hawkins entered the field of medicine to alleviate human pain and distress, and his work as a physician was pioneering. As Medical Director of the North Nassau Mental Health Center (1956–1980) and Director of Research at Brunswick Hospital (1968–1979) on Long Island, his clinic was the largest practice in the United States, including a suite of twenty–five offices, two thousand outpatients, and several research laboratories. In 1973, he co–authored the ground–breaking work, Orthomolecular Psychiatry with Nobel Laureate chemist Linus Pauling, initiating a new field within psychiatry.

His clinical breakthroughs brought appearances on The Today Show, The Barbara Walters Show and The Mcneil/Leher News Hour. In the 1970s, he co–founded several psychiatric organizations, including the Editorial Board of the Journal of Schizophrenia and the Attitudinal Healing Center in New York.


What can we do for Mankind? Dr. Hawkins answers, "We can be a more forgiving, loving, understanding, compassionate kind of person we can be, toward all of life; the reverence for all of life, in all of its expressions. "..."So what we do for all of mankind is to be as loving toward all of life as we can be, thereby blessing all of mankind, thereby raising it's level of consciousness, thereby lifting all with us."
To find out more about this uplifting lecture go to:

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  On 11/21/2019 at 9:30 AM, Nak Khid said:

it's a metaphysics book. It's not supposed to be scientific

The Hawkins book does claims to be science backed and involves muscle testing but the question is is this method credible scientifically?

Hawkins measured thousands of people over 20+ years of research. That should count for something.

@LfcCharlie4 Sounds interesting. I'll see if I manage to read through it. :)

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  On 11/21/2019 at 11:11 AM, WelcometoReality said:

Hawkins measured thousands of people over 20+ years of research. That should count for something.


So he measures people's muscles to determine their level of consciousness.
Can you link published any peer reviewed articles in science journals of his on this particular research?

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@WelcometoReality I haven't read so can't really comment. 

To add more fuel to the fire Ramaji has Hawkins in the 800s (Updated in 2019) 

This stage represents transcendental love and the flowering of love, this was a more common 'sticking' point in the past where devotion to gurus and holy figures were much more common, as were Bhakti paths, that explains why his DVD set would be called 'Love is a way of being.' The main focus of teachers teaching in the 800s will be love, it is beautiful teaching and one the world needs very much. 


With these sorts of things though I do believe it's hard to come at it from a conventionally scientific view, for me Ramaji's map has helped me understand the stages of awakening and the coaching/ RASA has spearheaded my personal growth to levels I never believed possible, and for that I'll always be eternally grateful. 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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  On 11/21/2019 at 11:31 AM, Nak Khid said:

So he measures people's muscles to determine their level of consciousness.
Can you link published any peer reviewed articles in science journals of his on this particular research?

I don't but I'm sure you can find the information your looking for online.

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@WelcometoReality im about 95% sure this is about Hawkins on Maharishi and Maharaj, and eventually led to 1000.






'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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Again, I have to caution you guys, you're getting yourself into an epistemic quagmire by taking these linear scales too seriously.

There are far more dimensions to consciousness work than any linear scale can capture. You're gonna mislead yourselves.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura Yes I agree. 

I made this thread to not only show the map of LOC's which is a helpful tool for the different stages of awakening but not perfect like every model. 

My main reason was to share the power of RASA and 1-1 coaching for those who resonate with it and feel they need it, LOC's are used as a tool as a part of this but the fundamentals are your own existential direct experience. 

Eventually, I'll make a thread about RASA and the Enneagram as they are 2 more practical things that can actually help people, the focus wasn't meant to be on the map but how it can be used in the awakening process. 

Hope you are well also :) 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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I love David Hawkins. His Letting Go book was a huge game changer for me. 

His LOC is 1001


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@Bill W haha. 

I'm glad he was so helpful for you, his teaching centres around love which is beautiful. 

Any teacher you resonate with you should work with, no matter their LOC, there's a reason your intuition is sending you there!

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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What may be interesting to note is that at LOC 1000, I am told that there comes a strong intuitive urge to simply stop seeking. The seeker has become the finder. 

How true this is, I am not sure as I'm not at that LOC, but what I like about this claim is that it's verifiable. Either I do feel the need to carry on seeking or I don't. At the moment, I do intend to carry on seeking after I have reached LOC 1000 so that I'm not being trapped by an enlightenment model, and I will be surprised if I do actually get this strong intuitive urge to just "stop" after the thousands of hours of seeking that I have put into this, but I'm open to anything.

I've been given a hypothesis, and now I'm looking to 'run the test' and see.

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@Jkhv1 No way, someone who's actually using this model and RASA and using themselves as an example, if only more people were that open minded. 

After all in this work, it all comes down to your own personal direct experience, it doesn't matter if you have 10000000 self realized mates, if you aren't there yourself your own existential experience won't change. 

I'm exactly the same, seeking takes up a huge part of any seeker's life, so it'll also be very fun to have that portion back! 

I'm the same as you, if I have no desire to carry on seeking I'll stop, but if it's there I won't, like I said all about your own personal direct experience. 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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  On 11/21/2019 at 3:27 PM, Jkhv1 said:

What may be interesting to note is that at LOC 1000, I am told that there comes a strong intuitive urge to simply stop seeking. The seeker has become the finder. 

How true this is, I am not sure as I'm not at that LOC, but what I like about this claim is that it's verifiable. Either I do feel the need to carry on seeking or I don't. At the moment, I do intend to carry on seeking after I have reached LOC 1000 so that I'm not being trapped by an enlightenment model, and I will be surprised if I do actually get this strong intuitive urge to just "stop" after the thousands of hours of seeking that I have put into this, but I'm open to anything.

I've been given a hypothesis, and now I'm looking to 'run the test' and see.

I'm quite certain that the seeking stops before 1000. Somewhere between 600-700.

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@WelcometoReality In Ramaji's book, in his earlier stages of enlightenment, he talked about having the sense or intuition that there was more to life than whatever his current experience was. Upon reaching 1000, he stopped having the intuition that there was more to his journey, unlike his earlier experiences at lower enlightened LOC stages:

"It will not be like the void. It will not be a blank or neutral emptiness. It may seem like it is Nothing, but
it is a Fullness. You will have confidence in this destination because at long last all of the yearnings of
your heart will be answered. You are finally home. You know you are home. You know it."

Edited by Jkhv1

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