
Non-Duality & Evil – how do the overall rules apply to the fringe ?

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We see evil and point our fingers when things don’t go our way. We are not conscious of all causes and consequences of what we do either directly or indirectly. Shadow and projections.

I am aware this community isn’t interested in abnormal psychology, and I have come to know enough about that mess regrettably - I won’t bother you. But I was born into that and I have seen it all my life. Now I don’t know how to integrate what I have experienced on the one hand, into all-encompassing Non-Duality on the other hand. Sometimes it seems like it’s only concepts compared with very tangible pain and horror.

I know that Oneness and All-is-God are Truth. It does ring true and it feels liberating. However, I find myself backsliding everytime I think of my upbringing particularly. How does this make sense ? Is it like the laws of the Universe where the infinitely small and the infinitely big are ruled according to different standards ?
I hear a lot online and IRL « oh, but those don’t count », « that’s exceptions », « besides very few cases, these things don’t happen », etc. On this specific subject, people dismissively yet truthfully say only a rare and weird individual will plan and plot to hurt another individual for the sake of the pleasure provided by destruction. What happens if you are a product of abnormal circumstances ? How do you make sense of life ?

And/Or : is it that I am I giving myself this « rare » importance because, like anybody else, undoubtably, I am the devil ? May this story be the way through which my ego triumphs over all – or so it thinks ? If this were to be the case, would « evil » lose some ground from the moment I’d make progress and gain more humility ? Does this mean then that there is no fringe, but everything is all-considered?

I’m stuck in a loop made of cognitive dissonance (getting tired and dizzy) and I’ll be grateful for any help in shedding light on the pieces that I am missing, as well as hopefully possible ways through and out of this maze. How do I solve this and move on?

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1 hour ago, Aylga said:

What happens if you are a product of abnormal circumstances ? How do you make sense of life ?

Normal and abnormal are purely relative.

It's very possible that a baby might be born to an abusive mother who feeds him baby milk poisoned with lead so he will grow up with a brain full of lead which then causes him to become a murderer.

This is all part of reality. In a vastly complex reality, all sorts of fringe cases happen.

I have never said that everyone is saved in the way you imagine. A lot of people are born into fucked up survival situations which are totally "unfair" and "horrific".

But all of this is still relative and does not diminish the absolute goodness and love of reality. Love entails freedom. And freedom entails horror. Love entails horror and "evil." So it all adds up in the finally tally. But any individual life can get totally fucked.

Spirituality does not promise anyone a good material life. Just the opposite, it guarantees that your material attachments will end in deep suffering. Which is the whole point of transcendence.

No matter how good your life is, a day will come when you will be totally fucked. So transcend while you can.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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5 hours ago, Aylga said:

I find myself backsliding everytime I think of my upbringing particularly. How does this make sense ?

“Makes sense’ = makes sensation (feelIng). “Makes sense” does not mean ’logically computes’.  

Feeling, sensation - is One. Sensation is not dualistic.     Thinking, is dualistic,  is relative,  is ‘twoness’,   is circular,   “loops”...


You might consider the analogy of how a tablet is performing computations, and is also receiving & accessing wifi. 

If the tablet was self aware, it would be aware of making computations. One of the computations it would compute, would be that the wifi “is the tablet’s”, or, “is an output of the tablet”, or “belongs to, the tablet”. The tablet would believe that it, is “producing the wifi from it’s plastic / metal tablet ‘self’”. The tablet would say “my wifi”. 

You and I know the wifi - which can’t be seen, heard, touched, or tasted - indeed does exist nonetheless. We know the wifi exists - and we sure as heck know when we are connected, and when we are not connected to the wifi  (everything is working vs everything is not working). It is the difference between being cut off, secluded, and very limited, vs having access to all the knowledge, and all of the people, of the entire world. The difference that makes to one’s life, is immeasurable - incomputable. Yet, you and I both know this enormous difference exists. 

We are like the tablets, in that we initially believe the “wifi” (consciousness, awareness, peace, love, understanding) is of the body, of the person, because we believed we are the person. We function, and “compute” as the person. We come to understand our feelings, as the person. One of the things we compute, is that “it is my awareness, my consciousness, my love, my peace, my understanding”.  Because that is not true, it never settles, never quite feels right. Thinking, keeps computing, computing, computing, computing, computing,..... to try to resolve this intuitive feeling that things aren’t adding up - aren’t resolving - that something just “ain’t right”...something just “doesn’t feel right”.

So for your past to “make sense”; (I know it might sound counter intuitive) -  let thinking about it go....and allow feeling of this now moment to arise, deepen, and purify the misunderstandings, right out of the body. This is not an “existential thing”. This is not a “spiritual thing”. This is not a “practiced thing”. This is not a “LOC 1000 thing”. This is not a “mastery thing”. This is not “something teachers have learned”. This is not “something you can, should, could, or need to - learn”. 

This is the actuality of reality, the inherent design of it, how it simply, normally, plainly, right now, is constructed & how it functions, right now.

There is an infinite being, and it is unlimited. There is nothing like it found in the world, because it is everything there is already. It is being you & me, and the world. This is why we are called human beings.  It is itself, oscillating, or, vibrating, itself, and appearing as you, me, and the world. Science calls it “superposition”, or, “the grand unified field”. Religions call it God, Allah, etc. It doesn’t matter at all what you call it, and it doesn’t matter what you think of it, it matters that you feel it

In short:

Superposition -> oscillation -> appearance & experience of “physicality”. 


Infinite being -> vibration -> creation, life. 


Here is an explanation, but you must do this a few times, and experience it, feel it, to get a sense of it. 

The thinking (& believing the thoughts) maintains a facade that we are the person / body, which events of the past happened to. This is “the idea of who I am”, it is not the actual - who I am. Events transpired, but we all got the identity piece wrong. We are mentally & physically, bodily,  holding beliefs about sho we are - which are not true. Our feeling tells us, “that is not true about you” (“feels bad”). Letting thinking go, (and beliefs are only thoughts you keep thinking) and reconnecting with feeling, is reconnecting with the source of all of us, unconditional love, The One, The Real “Wifi” (love, consciousness, awareness, peace, understanding). 

So sit, relax, take deep breaths. Start at the top, the crown, of your head, and relax every muscle slowly, all the way through to your toes. Breathe deep, relax, let go. There’s no right or wrong to this, no strategy, nothing to achieve. It’s just taking time to relax, taking a break from everything. Now feel the feeling of gravity, sink into the chair, relax more and more deeply, and feel the gravity, the subtle slight “pull”, the minute gentle force which keeps you in the chair. Feel the gravity subtly pulling all of your muscles downward toward the earth. Feel the comfort in this, that you are not “flying away” anytime soon, feel emotionally that gravity “has got you”, as in “got your back”. And, let your concerns, your worries, just let them go and relax more and more deeply. There is an ‘anti-gravity’, that you do not need to concern yourself with, that you do not need to feel. As you relax and let go, the anti-gravity purifies your body. It the most literal sense, it carries away all concerns which you let go of.  

5 hours ago, Aylga said:

I’m stuck in a loop made of cognitive dissonance

If one was trying to solve.. “is up or down the correct answer?”...the thinking could go on forever. Up is relative to down, down is relative to up. 

The realization that thinking will not get one anywhere is “The Wholistic Insight”. That the whole of thinking, all the thinking you could ever do, will not resolve anything, it will not change anything - so instead, it can be let go, surrendered. 

You can trade the thinking scene...“Is this perspective right, is this angle right, is this teacher right, does this make sense of it, why was my past that way, why is anything the way it is”, etc, etc, etc....you can trade the thinking scene, for feeling. 

You can keep your focus on breathing from your stomach. Every you notice focus is “sucked into thinking again”, simply, kindly, gently, return the focus to feeling the breathing from the stomach. 

Your body is infinite intelligence, and is literally designed to release all of the thinking, and all tension. There is nothing you need to do for this to occur, it is like the current of a river. The thinking thinking thinking is like paddling upstream, harder and harder and harder...until you finally start letting go, and the stream literally carries you to everything you are wanting.  

Is it like the laws of the Universe where the infinitely small and the infinitely big are ruled according to different standards ?

Indeed it is not. The Unified Field is available, accessible, to all beings, at all times, in all locations. Reality does not have rules. Reality is a loving Being, and reality has a nature. The nature of reality is unconditional love. Loving you more than you could ever imagine, and allowing you to do, think, and feel, freely. God does not lord over you nor impose upon you. God just loves you, and loves everyone unconditionally. If you want, you can take time everyday to relax and let go, and let more of this unconditional love into your life & your living. Have tissue. 

A critical component with this... the understanding arises, after the thinking is let go. This is initially highly counter-logical, because culturally, generally, we believe we resolve feelings, with thinking. “There’s something I need to know, or understand, or get, or get to, or be - to feel better”. 

That’s just the tablet trying to compute the resolve. When it instead just relaxes and lets go of computing, the wifi inherently defrags the hard drive, clears the cache, empties the cookies, updates the operating system, etc...and the tablet is then like “oh wow, it all seems so clear now...it makes sense.”

” I don’t know how to integrate what I have experienced on the one hand, into all-encompassing Non-Duality on the other hand.”

Let it go. 


Get yourself a large dry erase board, and start writing what you want in this life on it. See it everyday. Imagine having it now, and feel how that feels. Let the past go. Focus on what you want. When a resistant / not good feeling thought arises, choose a better feeling, aligned with what you ware wanting, thought. 

“What happens if you are a product of abnormal circumstances ? How do you make sense of life?”

By living it. By no longer identifying as “a product of abnormal circumstances”. 

“How do I solve this and move on?”

By letting go of the need to solve it in thinking. By letting the thinking go. By letting love, the absolute “core of you” wash the emotions of misunderstanding right out of the body. Understanding arises after.




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