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Flattening Vs. Dimensionalizing

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In one of Leo's videos ("Grasping The Illusory Nature Of Thought", I think), he talks about "flattening the illusion."

In general, I get it. There are no "objects" out there other than the reality we give them by "dimensionalizing", i.e. an external object has as many dimensions as the mind attributes to it.  In other words, "external" objects do not possess dimensions of their own; they are a property of the mind.  

The question then is how is this relevant to physical/mental/emotional life? It seems to me that it can still be "business as usual" - dimensionalize as is necessary for survival, and flatten when the 3D-ness of life (i.e. confusing map and territory) becomes more of an encumbrance than a tool. The trick is just being constantly aware of the "seems" (abstraction) vs. "is"

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I understood it  a little bit differently: there are no meaning or story in objective reality.

When we perceive reality we create story.

I think it is only an exercise that can give us some useful insights or maybe not.

I don't see a lot of application of it in practical everyday life. Like observing characters in a book as specks of paint and not seeing a story behind them.

I can't imagine living in a world of pure objective observation without any meaning.

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