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How To FEEL Better

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What can i do to feel better in each moment. Right now I find upbeat music, binaural beats, and push ups can make me feel better. Do you peeps do anything else to improve your mood? And how can i utilize music and exercise to their utmost feel good potential?

Why do good things FEEL good? Why are there songs that can change mood so fast? Why do some songs suck? What is FEELING good??

Edited by Raptorsin7

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Just be present in this unic moment  of Now. There are no more moments in a continuous unfolding to infinity, but only One Infinite and Eternal Moment. If you feel good listening to the music Now, how can you feel bad at the same time.? Being present In this unique moment of Now, there is no time for separations ,contradictions and interpretations, Everything is unique.?

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