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How to strenghten a weak ego?

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I know Leo talks about disolving the ego and how the ego is the main source of our suffering, but in my case i have a terribly weak ego, and i believe a stronger one would be beneficial for me. Its so weak that i have lost all sense of selve, but not in a good way, but a disfuncional one. I have found a video by Shinzen Young, where he describes a form of meditation that strenghtens the ego structure, but i'm not completely sure what to do.

Does he mean to focus for example on the mental image of my foot when i feel into it? And on the image of my shoulders when i feel into them, and so on? Or does he mean something else?

Edited by Wekz

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Commit to your goals and focus on them, ego strenght will come naturally. Rather than make yourself a victim for not having what you want, start to pull yourself to be more goal-oriented.

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The idea is to first build and develop an healthy, strong ego, and then (after years of work) to dissolve it. It is the same concept as Maslow's pyramid: first fulfill basic needs (self-esteem, relationships,...) and then you can think about going for transcendence.

You learn to strengthen your ego by working on your self-esteem and self-love, doing shadow work, facing your fears, taking responsibility for your life, being proactive, following through on your desires, achieving your goals,... 

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I suggest you read the book mastery by George Leonard. Might seem off topic but I think it would be great for you to get your mind off of yourself and there's nothing like mastery if you truly love what you are going into. It also changes you in the process because to persist on this road you have no choice but to change the way you operate. If you don't have a life purpose take Leo's course it is quite heavily linked to that. The goal here is to make your life about something other than yourself which in turn means you'll have to change yourself to actualize that. But you will have the motivation to do it. Just keep walking my friend you got it. 

Sailing on the ceiling 


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Trust your inner truth. Get in touch with your anger. Put blame where it belongs. Stand up for yourself. Don't take shit from other people. Don't let anyone convince you of anything but your inner truth.

Anger is in my view the antithesis to a weak ego. You don't necessarily want to be running around like the hulk all the time, just to get it out somewhere. Like a journal or boxing bag. These things are only really a problem if done unconsciously.

But maybe most importantly, get in touch with your desires. Get in touch with what you authentically want, and focus on that like a laser beam. Instead of avoiding difficult situations, take the challenge. Run at it like a bull. Don't believe disempowering thoughts.

When you have an unshakeable sense of who you are, you know you're there. So get to know yourself. Who are you authentically, when no one are there to invalidate you? What are you authentically feeling? If you have been avoiding this for too long, it might not be pretty. In that case allow yourself to process it, give it a mouthpiece. Cry, laugh, journal, whatever. Remember, every thought and feeling that you have has truth in it. So get to know that truth.

I am myself, heaven and hell.

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Leave spirituality and this forum. 

Put aside everything abstract.

Stop thinking and go make things happen. 

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Learn to find and listen to the quiet voice inside you that speaks from the heart.


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17 hours ago, arlin said:

Leave spirituality and this forum. 

Put aside everything abstract.

Stop thinking and go make things happen. 

you had a post in in late May called "Problem with procrastination"
Have you made progress since then?


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@Nak Khid yes i have. Big part of it is stop doing things that don't really serve you. I was holding on to an image in my mind as far as how somebody should learn. 

But today i am more in tune with myself. And i have had results in my journey. 

Of course you come into this realizations with experience. 

Edited by arlin

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