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Why did Leo change shirt from black to white

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I personally enjoy the content Leo provides us - but the change of the shirt feels so staged to me for such highly developed, aware and conscious individual :D It is like Gandalf from Lord of the rings :)

Leo, did you know you would do that long before you did?

I see there is subtle difference in content when you were black and now that you are white, and i feel the reason is some kind of "rebranding".   

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Symbolism is powerful, always pointing to something deeper, but it's popular to disregard it as silly, or simply a marketing technique. 

Why do we assign the meaning to colors that we do? Is it possible they have meanings and invoke reactions deeper than we are aware of on the surface?

This is one of my favorite quotes from Moby Dick.

"But not yet have we solved the incantation of this whiteness, and learned why it appeals with such power to the soul; and more strange and far more portentous – why, as we have seen, it is at once the most meaning symbol of spiritual things, nay, the very veil of the Christian’s Deity; and yet should be as it is, the intensifying agent in things the most appalling to mankind.

Is it that by its indefiniteness it shadows forth the heartless voids and immensities of the universe, and thus stabs us from behind with the thought of annihilation, when beholding the white depths of the milky way? Or is it, that as in essence whiteness is not so much a colour as the visible absence of colour; and at the same time the concrete of all colours; is it for these reasons that there is such a dumb blankness, full of meaning, in a wide landscape of snows – a colourless, all-colour of atheism from which we shrink? (42.25-26)"


My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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It could have something do with an inner transformation and as a result wanting to change the outer to align more with the inner.

Also, it could just be that he wants to change things up and wants to wear a different shirt, lol. Don't overcomplicate everything.

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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after  30 days retreat and some 5 meo, or you die, or you become gandalf

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After returning from a 30 day solo retreat in March, Leo announced: 

  • that he was "so much more conscious" than before;
  • that it felt like a year had gone by, rather than a month;
  • that there had been 13 back-to-back awakenings, each deeper than the last;
  • that he had experienced "life-transforming stuff";
  • that remembering it all was difficult because it felt like he was going back to another lifetime;
  • that it had been the most productive month of his entire life, so far as his growth was concerned;
  • that he'd had "truckloads" of insights, too many to fit into a two hour video; and
  • that he was different than in his old unconscious life.

Oh yeah, and he also changed his shirt.

In 2018, Leo switched to the black shirt from a black T-shirt after a previous retreat.

Edited by Dan502

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could the change of shirt have triggered the awakening instead of the reverse? 

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6 minutes ago, Nak Khid said:

could the change of shirt have triggered the awakening instead of the reverse? 

Gandalf the Grey returned as Gandalf the White after he died and was reborn :)



Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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10 minutes ago, Extreme Z7 said:

His shirt did a Micheal Jackson.


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Look, he was looking a little too Anton Levey-ish in the black
White garb is more guru/gura-ish it balances out the bald/goatee thing, less predictable


Edited by Nak Khid

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How does that matter? Black, white, whatever.


A club of the fans of Leo who fight with each other over the fact of who is more knowledgeable of the latest news and everything related to Leo.

"I know Leo more than you do! I'm more important"

"I'll create a course about Leo's biography and how to follow his life properly"

"Leo quoted me here on the forum. Leo thinks of me! I've known that! I'm going to create a poster with Leo and pray to him"


Edited by rnd

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8 hours ago, Dan502 said:

After returning from a 30 day solo retreat in March, Leo announced: 

  • that he was "so much more conscious" than before;
  • that it felt like a year had gone by, rather than a month;
  • that there had been 13 back-to-back awakenings, each deeper than the last;
  • that he had experienced "life-transforming stuff";
  • that remembering it all was difficult because it felt like he was going back to another lifetime;
  • that it had been the most productive month of his entire life, so far as his growth was concerned;
  • that he'd had "truckloads" of insights, too many to fit into a two hour video; and
  • that he was different than in his old unconscious life.

Oh yeah, and he also changed his shirt.

In 2018, Leo switched to the black shirt from a black T-shirt after a previous retreat.

Oh my God! Where did you get that info??? Did you pay someone? So detailed....

You're the chosen one . The one who's always up to do with the Leo's latest news!

I propose that you'll be head of Leo's fan group. Or a church.

I'll submit to you right off the bat.

Edited by rnd

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2 hours ago, rnd said:

Oh my God! Where did you get that info??? Did you pay someone? So detailed....

I've been studying enwhitenment.

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3 hours ago, Nak Khid said:

Look, he was looking a little too Anton Levey-ish in the black
White garb is more guru/gura-ish it balances out the bald/goatee thing, less predictable


 This makes sense to me :D 

I just feel it is a little bit staged.  It is not about what he is wearing but how the change from one color to another came to be. Because the guy knows what he is doing. It doesn't feel like some emotional coincidence- like (I dont feel good in black anymore). To me it feels like he knew he would change to white after some significant event.

In other words, doesn't seem authentic but more like an act. 

It doesn't matter that much cause the information he provides is really good. 

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